
LeBron James adds 10 armed security guards to home after celebrities targeted by team of burglars. The NBA has a security team also helping James.



虎扑10月4日讯 根据TMZ体育的报道,勒布朗-詹姆斯已经补充了他洛杉矶家的安保,雇佣了一队武装警卫在他家巡逻。




[–]Heatred_right_hand_ 2041 指標 9小時前

LeBron’s house is like one of the outposts in a Far Cry game


[–]SunsSportsMasterGeneral 569 指標 9小時前

Better hide that random tiger cage then



[–]LakersSomeGuyInSanJoseCa 118 指標 9小時前

Oh man, what if he had Flying Eagles to attack? I mean, I'm not worth hundreds of millions of dollars. But I was, I would damn sure have a few birds of prey on my side.



[–]Cavaliersstormstalker 84 指標 6小時前

For real, this is what irks me about rich folks. Most of them just have no creativity when it comes to recklessly spending their money. What's the point of being rich if you aren't gonna do some crazy shit with it?


[–]LakersSomeGuyInSanJoseCa 185 指標 9小時前

That team of burglars could probably compete for the 7th spot in the East.


[–][PHI] Robert Covingtongulfwang 6410 指標 9小時前*

could that 11 man roster they make the playoffs in the East? they would be pretty good defensively


[–]RareWar 4077 指標 9小時前*

Lebron and shooters... yeah probably


[–][SAS] Danny GreenGee4442 458 指標 9小時前

Lebron needs more playmakers


[–]HawksThinkSoftware 454 指標 8小時前

Lebron can't win with those cats (burglars)


[–]AggravatingReturn 108 指標 7小時前

Them burglars good at avoiding fines and high steal percentage


[–]SpursDopeez 2153 指標 8小時前

Michael Jeffrey Jordan would have ROBBED the burglars all by himself

(模仿第一詹黑Skip Bayless的语气)换成是迈克尔-杰弗里-乔丹,他光靠自己就能把那些盗贼反抢了!

[–]Cavaliersaresman 113 指標 7小時前

LET ME TELL YOU, he would NOT need NO ONE to protect him, he would personally handle the home invasion 1 vs 5 all ALONE, LeSoft is LeScared and that's why he will never even SNIFF the GOAT title

(继续模仿)你 们 给 我 听 好 了,乔丹根本就不需要任何人来保护自己,他完全单枪匹马1v5就可以应对入室劫匪了!勒软蛋就是勒害怕!这就是他为什么根本不可能触及历史第一人头衔!

[–]Lakers_cacho6L 778 指標 7小時前

Kobe would have been at their house ro*河蟹*g them at 3 am


[–][POR] Ed Davis2drawnonward5 224 指標 6小時前

Magic would have caught them in the act, asked what the hell's going on, so friendly they would have told him. They'd sit on the couch to hash it out for half an hour and leave laughing. They'd give his stuff back but forget to put back stuff from the pockets. His wife woulda been piiiiissseddd when he told her in the morning.


[–]Kittens4Brunch 155 指標 6小時前

Adam Silver would've fined him $100k for tempering.


[–][WAS] Moses Maloneburnerfret 3558 指標 9小時前

Apparently the burglars had already hit twenty-four houses in the area and had other major celebs on their list including Matt Damon and Viola Davis.

Can't wait for the movie.



[–]RocketsHouston_sucks 1772 指標 9小時前

What does LAPD have to say about this? 24 houses of rich people robbed, I imagine heads fly in the department.


[–]94savage 1262 指標 8小時前

Rich people have poor security. One time, some guy lived in Diddy or Nic Cage (forgot which one lol) house for an entire weekend and only got caught because he was dumb enough to stay there for the actual celeb to come back


[–]Pelicansmnimatt 1155 指標 6小時前

How do you have it narrowed down to diddy or nick cage. such an odd pair


[–]MagicDucksGoQuackQuack 154 指標 6小時前

pretty sure it was Nic Cage, and the story was Cage went to his fridge in the middle of the night to grab a chocolate popsicle (?) or something like that, and the guy was in his kitchen.


[–]Rocketsducthulhu 316 指標 6小時前

In the story you're thinking about, Nic Cage woke up and the man was in his bedroom (watching him sleep?).

"I opened my eyes and there was a naked man wearing my leather jacket eating a Fudgesicle in front of my bed... I know it sounds funny ... but it was horrifying."



[–][PHI] JaKarr SampsonChickenLiverNuts 162 指標 5小時前

what the shit lmao

sounds like an onion headline



[译注4] 洋葱新闻是美国一家提供讽刺新闻的组织。它以报道讽刺性文章为特色,以真实新闻事件为蓝本,加工杜撰假新闻。虽然故事都是假的,却绝非胡编瞎造,而是用夸张的想象表达对世界观感,是另类的社会评论,因此有不少读者追捧。

[–]Knickskevinarod2 107 指標 9小時前

Security would be my first priority if I ever became a millionaire.


[–]kawhiOS 167 指標 9小時前

easy decision when you’re closer to a billionaire.


[–]76ersHOG_ZADDY 283 指標 8小時前

Not a rich celebrity but I have a security plan I pay like $25/mo for or some shit that includes a motion detector. Pretty shocking that a celebrity wouldn't have this basic shit.


[–][LAL] Kyle Kuzmayazalama 768 指標 8小時前

If these guys are pros your Vivint home security system probably won't cut it.


[–]RocketsReeko_Htown 239 指標 8小時前

That’s not what my neighbors on Nextdoor said!!!!


[译注5] Nextdoor,是一家总部位于旧金山的社交网络服务公司,提供免费的社交平台,让住在同一社区的邻居们可以在线交流。

[–]SP05 85 指標 8小時前

But their houses are probably much bigger though, and lots of staff moving around too


[–]Baconmazing 159 指標 8小時前

Or experienced, not your average burglars. Motion detectors stop people who don't know anything about burglary other than "steal item”, which is most.


[–]CelticsTB12thMan 177 指標 8小時前*

Realistically, if they've pulled off 24, they probably have blueprints and already know the security systems. These guys are obviously professionals, you get caught after your first job if you aren't a good thief.


edit: supposedly they're not professionals and only some 19 year old kids. Idiots, but props to them for fooling me into thinking highly of them.


[–]EricHangingOut 99 指標 6小時前

Basic security systems keep out thieves like dumb-ass junkies who break-in to suburban homes to steal whatever they can grab to pay for a fix.


Your typical suburban home doesn't need to be concerned about keeping out professional burglars - they're not wasting time and risking prison to break-in to take your 3-year old plasma, $700 watch, and and your kid's framed 4th grade class photo.


[–][SAS] Danny GreenGee4442 337 指標 9小時前

Ocean's 24


[译注6]美国网友模仿好莱坞著名偷盗诈骗系列电影”Ocean’s Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen“,《十一罗汉》,《十二罗汉》,《十三罗汉》为这个盗窃团伙起名。

[–]Spurseaglenation23 116 指標 8小時前

Damon Rob's himself, the perfect con


[–]CavaliersnicklePie 178 指標 9小時前

That’s kind of unreal. Is mf Solid Snake ro*河蟹*g these people?


[译注7] Solid Snake,索利德-斯内克,是小岛秀夫创作的电子游戏《合金装备》系列中的主角。

[–]Timberwolvesygduf 106 指標 8小時前

not that I'm into ro*河蟹*g celebrities, but it's pretty easy to know when people of that stature are out of town. I think they also have relatively lax security a lot of times because when you have hundreds of millions it kinda just doesn't matter. And you live on this big estate, it's not like you feel your neighbors pressing in or see people walking on a sidewalk 30' from your front door.


[–]MavericksMysteriagant 86 指標 8小時前

but it's pretty easy to know when people of that stature are out of town

I read an article that said they basically just looked at social media to know when they were gone



[–]KnicksBirdGrammar 483 指標 8小時前

Imagine being able to afford paying 10 people's full time salaries.


[–]LakersApexualized 443 指標 6小時前*

Let's say LeBron is paying each armed guard $150,000 a year. That equates to $1,500,000 a year. This year he's set to make $35,654,150 with the Lakers. That $1,500,000 comes out to just 4% of LeBron's salary. Not including his endorsements and other financial holds, it sounds like a no brainer.


Edit: Okay I get it. They're probably not being paid $150,000.


[–]Heatkidjay76 354 指標 6小時前

Fuck I’m poor


[–]LakersApexualized 193 指標 6小時前

You rich in heart bby.


[–]Captin_Communist 97 指標 6小時前

Its more than 4% since he has to pay a pretty high tax rate on that 35 million. But yea endorsements help im sure.


[–]Cavalierseleven21 660 指標 9小時前

What if the armed security guards are really the burglars in disguise?


[–]NuggetsRexIosue 512 指標 8小時前

Like that one episode of Spongebob where he hired a bodyguard to protect him against the Tattletale Strangler but his bodyguard is the Tattletale Strangler.



[–]beebop222222 791 指標 8小時前

spoiler alert fuck


[–]MavericksVictorAkwaowo1 363 指標 9小時前

Hopefully one of those armed security guards are not named J.R Smith


[–]Sup3rTek 145 指標 8小時前

I did not know he was a thief. thought he was your friend came for visit


[–][OKC] Raymond FeltonDTttfu 1262 指標 9小時前

My house got broken into once and they just went thru all my shit and personal belongings. It’s one of the most sinking feelings when you know someone you don’t know has been in your house, touching your things, and rifling thru your shit.


It sucks. I couldn’t go to sleep for weeks because I didn’t feel safe in my own house. I can’t even imagine hiring a full team of bodyguards to patrol my house, and I don’t even have a wife or children to keep safe like LeBron. People suck man.


[–]Warriorsfuryousferret 491 指標 9小時前

Been there. When I lived in Oakland our home would get broken into about every 6 months, it was at a point where most of our valuables were in storage.


We also had a home invasion when I was really young, and we had a string of home invasions / murders in the neighborhood I used to live in. These days I sleep with a gun within arms reach and have a pitbull. I'm paranoid af.


I get in arguments all the time with coworkers that grew up in sheltered neighborhoods about having a gun, some legitimately believe the police can help in that situation. Even if you get to 911, whoever is inside still have 5-10 minutes to do whatever.


[–][MIN] Malik Sealyonken022 178 指標 7小時前*

I lived in Oakland for a summer when I had an internship in SF. Lived with a bunch of random dudes who put up a posting on Craigslist and had a great summer. I love Oakland, but one night my roommate and I stopped an attempted rape/robbery and it was one of the scariest moments of my life.


We were cooking dinner and heard a scream outside our door. I ran to the door and saw a guy slamming a woman’s face into the pavement while pulling off her pants and his own in the alley across the street. We screamed at him as we were unlocking our gate and the fucker took off with her purse before we could get there to subdue him.


The saddest part was that this woman and her boyfriend could only access their door from the alley. I ran up to the door when she pointed out where she lived and her boyfriend was up there cooking with his headphones in so he couldn’t hear anything going on right outside his door. He was so crushed.


[–]Netsthebigticket2 85 指標 5小時前

good on you for stepping in like that. not everybody would do the same.


[–]Warriorsricklegend 275 指標 8小時前

In east Oakland they have 30 min.


[–]Lakersmthrfkn 156 指標 7小時前

Bruh I live in Jack London, the damn Police HQ is blocks away and they still take an hour

老哥我跟你讲,我住在Jack London[译注8],MLGB的警局总部就隔了几个街区而已,就这,警察还是花了了一个小时才赶到我家。

[译注8]Jack London,地处奥克兰市市中心区域。

[–]Warriorsricklegend 208 指標 7小時前

That' because they are busy fucking underage prostitutes while on the job.


[–]balsamicpork 111 指標 7小時前

Obviously they know their targets beforehand, but could you imagine if you enter a home to rob someone and you see someone that’s 6’8 and jacked. You’d shit yourself.


[–]klawhileonard 84 指標 6小時前

Well, you’d probably have a gun in this situation, and he wouldn’t. So not really


[–]ArizonaMildCats 144 指標 6小時前

What if Lebron yells “Hey, put that gun down and leave right now!”


[–]klawhileonard 86 指標 5小時前

Well fuck


