

1.Opening 抬头

To Whom It May Concern

Dear Sir or Madam

Dear Mr. O’Brien

2.Reason for writing 首句


I am writing to express my interest in the position of…

I wish to apply for the position of…

I am writing in response to your advertisement for…

I am writing to enquire as to whether there are any vacancies…

3.Introducing yourself


I am currently working as a…

I am currently studying…

At present, I am working for … where I am responsible for …

I have been working in my current position for the past (time) …

4.Talking about your education and experience


I graduated from ABC University with a degree (master’s degree) in …

The nature of my degree has prepared me for this position

As you can see from my CV, I have worked … and gained experience …

My mother tongue is English and I am fluent in French and German

5.Why you are the best for this position


I feel I am suitable for this role as I have a great deal of experience in …

I consider myself to be a friendly, efficient and enthusiastic worker

I believe I would be the ideal candidate based on the fact that I …

I am very keen to work for an ambitious company such as yours

6.Closing comments

最后结尾需要包含几个内容:1. 感谢招聘官花时间来阅读你的求职信2. 留下自己的联系方式(电话和邮箱)

Thank you for taking time to consider my application

I am available for contact and interview at any time

If you wish to contact me, you can do so on +353 86020 …

Should you require further information, do not hesitate to contact me

Please find CV attached (in emails)

Please find CV enclosed (in letters)

7.Signing off


I look forward to hearing from you

Yours sincerely, …

Yours faithfully, …

“CBE中国”成立于北京,主营国际交流项目,与全国各高校国际交流部合作多年,旨在为广大学生提供合法、安全、便捷的出国实习交流通道。欢迎发邮件至[email protected]或关注微信公众号cbeorg咨询。


张蓓(Lisa Zhang),至美读书会创始人,至美前程教育集团副总裁,教育心理学专家,全球职业规划师,留学规划师,留学行业十大创新人物。 武汉大学法学院毕业。毕业后赴法国留学,考察了欧美数十个国家上百所大学的发展现状,以教育方式的独特视角为切入点,系统研究分析欧美文化的承接性和差异性。 拥有十余年教育和咨询领域的专业经验,作为CBE中国的秘书长曾组织和策划过多项具有非凡影响力的文教类活动。研究领域包括:东西方文化与教育、国际教育咨询行业的发展、全球人才智库建设、中国海归人员生存现状与变革等领域。 作为美国国际教育家协会NAFSA成员,曾参与多项社科基金研究课题,更以其远见和洞察力将北美能力本位教育(Competency Based Education)体系引入中国,并以此创立了优秀的培训品牌——至美学院,率领团队研发出大量拥有自主知识产权的教材和课程,包括:名校申请课程、留学规划课程、职场精英课程、留学妈妈课程等,受益人数达百万。每年都受邀在全国重点高校进行数百场学习及职业规划的公益演讲,帮助学生找到人生理想和目标,找到正确的学习方式,全方位提高能力。 作为美国博士全奖项目申请研究专家,她创立“DIY博士辅导”课程,是近年来中国留学界在专业型研究方面重大的突破之一。近几年来,辅导数千名学生成功赴各国名校就读,帮助学生获得奖学金累计超过30亿元人民币。



