那些关于Apple Pencil的小技巧,你都知道吗?

从Apple Pencil中获得的绘画技巧

Drawing Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Apple Pencil

那些关于Apple Pencil的小技巧,你都知道吗?

你想通过一支Apple Pencil表达最多的信息吗?罗马建筑奖得主Javier Galindo将为你展示这只笔的奇妙功能。

“忘记掉你曾经所了解的绘画风格,Apple Pencil和你习惯使用的那支笔一样,都那么地自然。”——Javier Galindo

Want to get the most of your Apple Pencil in Trace? Today, Rome Prize winner Javier Galindo, is going to show you a few features that will make your Trace drawings sing.

“Forget anything you thought you knew about previous styluses. Draw with the Apple Pencil as you would with any pencil and the rest will come naturally.” -Javier Galindo

那些关于Apple Pencil的小技巧,你都知道吗?



1. Pressure

Want a line to be bolder or darker? Simply press down and watch the lightness of the line change. Make your line look heavy or faint. Perfect for expressing depth in your drawing.

那些关于Apple Pencil的小技巧,你都知道吗?


你想要表达阴影?只需要将你的Apple Pencil稍稍倾斜,让各种笔触形成较宽的面域,这会让你感觉就好像在用一支真正的铅笔。


2. Tilt

Want to fill or shade? Simply “Tilt” your Apple Pencil to allow your watercolor brush, graphite pencil, charcoal or chisel marker to be spread wide or bleed deep. It will feel just like a real pencil on its side.

HINT: Lighten opacity slider in pen toolbar for soft shading.

那些关于Apple Pencil的小技巧,你都知道吗?



3. Azimuth

Want to see something really cool? Use the chisel marker and notice the direction of the line adjust with the marker as you rotate it. Can you get more real than this?

那些关于Apple Pencil的小技巧,你都知道吗?



4. Consistency

Need a mechanical line where the pen maintains perfect width and color? Simply select the technical pen and you will have the exact line you need no matter how the pencil moves. To change thickness simply change pen sizes.

那些关于Apple Pencil的小技巧,你都知道吗?

那些关于Apple Pencil的小技巧,你都知道吗?

那些关于Apple Pencil的小技巧,你都知道吗?


图片:Morpholio Trace

We hope that Javier’s drawings below and these tips will inspire you to take your work to the next level.

