
粮票是20世纪50年代至85年代中国在特定经济时期发放的一种购粮凭证。 中国最早实行的票证种类是粮票、食用油票、布票等。粮票作为一种实际的有价证券,在中国使用达40多年,随着社会的发展,它已退出了历史舞台,成为收藏者的新宠。

Grain coupon is a grain purchase certificate issued by China in a specific economic period from 1950s to 85s. The earliest types of tickets in China were food stamps, edible oil tickets, cloth tickets and so on. Grain stamps as a practical securities, used in China for more than 40 years, with the development of society, it has withdrawn from the stage of history and become a new favorite of collectors.




Grain coupon is a product of China's planned economy era. It is no longer available now, so it has the value of collection. The size of value is generally determined by the quality of the product and the amount of money deposited. Grain tickets have a wide range of topics, some kinds of tickets printed fine, with time, regional characteristics, after years of erosion, making this kind of non-reproducible cultural relics of the ticket increasingly scarce. With the development of economy, food stamps from the circulation market are gradually moving to the collectors.

1966年《全国通用粮票 》

1966年《全国通用粮票 》半市斤、壹市斤、叁市斤、伍市斤,保真包新!1966年全国通用粮票,大多数为流经过品相,像这品相今后就越来越少了,自己保藏首选! “民以食为天”,粮食是人类赖以生存的基本的物质,承载着黎民百姓的存亡哀乐,关系到江山社稷的盛衰兴亡。

In 1966, the National General Grain Ticket was half a kilogram, one kilogram, three kilograms, Wu Shijin, and it was new and reliable. In 1966, most of the National General Grain Tickets were passed through the quality phase, like this one, they will be less and less in the future, and they will be the first choice for their own preservation! "Food for Heaven" Food is the basic material for human survival, carrying hundreds of Li people. The survival and sorrow of the surname is related to the rise and fall of the rivers and mountains.



This group of food stamps (4 pieces in a group) has a small amount of world, exquisite face, well-preserved, special significance of the value of food stamps also soared. Take the "annual ticket" in 1966 as an example, because it is very rare. The integration of full package tickets is extremely difficult. It has high collection value.



Over the past 38 years, food stamps have become the "second currency" in circulation, a classic symbol of the planned economy, and an indelible group memory of that generation. Today, the grain purchase and sale period is gradually gone. As a cultural mark of a particular historical period, grain stamps have now faded out of everyone's vision, permanently fixed in the corridor of Shaoguang, and become a new favorite of the preservation community.

