
The Wright Brothers



The Wright brothers, namely, Orville Wright (1871—1948) and Wilbur Wright (1867—1912) invented the first safe, successful airplane. But their first flight, on December 17, 1903, was not great news. Nothing appeared in the newspaper on that day. A few days later, short items began to appear in newspapers across the country, but no one seemed very interested or impressed.

萊特兄弟名為奧維爾·萊特(1871一1948)和威爾伯·萊特(1867-1912)成功友明瞭第一架安全可靠的飛機。但是他們在1903年12 月17日的首次飛行並不是那麼理想。在那天的報紙上沒有出現與此有關的任何新聞。幾天後,流通全國的報紙上開始出現一些簡單的報道,但是沒有任何一個看起來是那麼有趣或者能夠令人印象深刻。

Orville Wright took the "Flyer I" up in the air and flew it for 12 seconds. Wilbur Wright took turns with his brother flying their airplane. The next two flights lasted twice as long as the first one. On the fourth flight that day, the airplane stayed in the air for 59 seconds. After it landed, a sudden gust of wind tipped the plane over. "Flyer I" was badly damaged. The first successful airplane was never flown again.


Louis Bleriot flew across the English Channel in 1909 He flew from France to England in a Bleriot XI monoplane which had only one set of wings. His flight was historic. He proved that people from different countries could now visit each other fairly early.


The first woman pilot was Baroness de la Roche. She made her flight in 1908. Two years later, she received a pilot's license.


