

A support vessel flying an Iranian national flag sails alongside the oil tanker 'Devon' as it prepares to transport crude oil to export markets in Bandar Abbas, Iran, on Friday, March 23, 2018. Geopolitical risk is creeping back into the crude oil market. Photographer: Ali


The U.S. has been unable to persuade China to cut Iranian oil imports, according to two officials familiar with the negotiations, dealing a blow to President Donald Trump’s efforts to isolate the Islamic Republic after his withdrawal from the 2015 nuclear accord.


Beijing has, however, agreed not to ramp up purchases of Iranian crude, according to the officials, who asked not to be identified because discussions with China and other countries continue. That would ease concerns that China would work to undermine U.S. efforts to isolate the Islamic Republic by purchasing excess oil.



Unfazed, the administration has warned that even allies would face sanctions if they didn’t show “significant” progress in reducing Iranian oil purchases by Nov. 4, ruling out broad exemptions or waivers.


Reducing Purchases

The oil market has been speculating about how much of Iran’s exports could be eroded by the U.S. sanctions, with analysts from BMI Research to Mizuho Securities predicting that China might boost its imports of cheap supplies from the state and offset cuts by other nations. Countries including South Korea and Japan are reducing purchases from OPEC’s third-largest producer before the deadline to avoid the risk of buyers losing access to the U.S. financial system.



China -- the world’s top crude buyer and Iran’s No. 1 customer -- has said previously that it opposed unilateral sanctions and lifted monthly oil imports from the country by 26 percent in July. It accounted for 35 percent the Iranian exports last month, according to ship-tracking data compiled by Bloomberg.


The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, led by Saudi Arabia, has pledged to fill any supply gaps in the market after Trump’s complaints . That’s helped limit a rally in global benchmark Brent crude, which is trading near $73 a barrel after falling 6.5 percent last month. The London marker is still up about 40 percent from a year earlier.



原創翻譯:龍騰網 翻譯:星際聖母 轉載請註明出處


Robert2 days ago

The USA never listens to demands from China, why should China listen to demands from the USA?


jaci o2 days ago

You asked for it Trump!!!


Bee3 days ago

Iran's largest trading partner is China ... India's number 2 on the list.

Imagine if China told the US to stop trading with the EU or Canada ... what would Trump's response be? So, why would the US expect them to comply?

China will enjoy some cheap Iranian oil at the expense of the US. Furthermore, I would not be surprised to see China bail-out Venezuela to get some more cheap oil whilst strengthening their footprint in the America's.




Lev2 days ago

US is now learning that it can not dictate every county on earth what to do, and can not sanction any country they want without consequences.


wwrR2 days ago

good for china -- the usa is not the boss of the world any more


Thomas2 days ago

time will tell. china dued money will go only so far


robert2 days ago

Yay! So now China can take over the Phillipines, Vietnam, the Korean Peninsula, Japan, and Australia. 1 China...right?



yorky2 days ago

If U.S agrees to conpensate China for the cut of the oil import,China will do that


Jack3 days ago

China should just stop buying US treasuries and sell the existing ones. That would blow up the whole US economy with rates at 10%.


Chrisx2 days ago

That is happening now, China is not coming for recent Treasury purchase. This will become a bigger problem if China not buy for 6 months. We need about one trillions this year but hole is geeting bigger. We have to increase interests to attract buyers


Good2 days ago

As of May 2018, China (largest) is holding $1.18 trillion U.S. debt (19% of total foreign holdings $6.2 trillion. The rest of the $21 trillion national debt is owned by either the American people or by the U.S. government itself.

If China off-load its holdings, I bet others will follow too. With such excessive supply in the market, no one will buy any new US debt. US government will have no money to run any operation, so does military. If US increases the rate, it will collapse financial market like last time and US will run into great recession. People don't believe should do research themselves.


如果中國拋售手上的美國國債,我打賭其他國家也會跟著拋。當市場上的國債供給過量,就沒有人會買了。美國政府就沒錢運作了,美國軍隊也是 。如果美國提高利率,就會像上一次一樣導致金融市場癱瘓,美國會陷入大蕭條。不信的人應該自己去查。

EWed2 days ago

the USA is becoming less and less of a factor every day. Do you call this Winning?


Joseph2 days ago

Go China. Many of us in America support you


Robert2 days ago

So when is the US energy producers going to go turn on Trump. Tariffs against China is going to hurt the energy sector more. China increases tariffs against our energy producers thus increases prices. Iran loses customers too sanctions except China. China negotiates a long term reduction in price along with increased purchasing of Iranian oil. So when tariffs are relaxed or negated our energy producers will not be able to compete with the lower price thus causing a longer recovery time to our energy sector. Now anyone who voted Trump who works in the energy sector not only deserves a pay cut but to lose their job as well. As all this is the Fault of the Trump voter.


Go Green2 days ago

Every agree , except trump, that Iran abides by the Iran nuke treaty signed by US, all other permanent members of UN, and Germany. There is no base for sanctions on Iran bullies in Washington today.

Nations should looking after their own interest , not interest of war machine in Washington, countries should only UN resolution, not any individual country own policy..

China , India, Europe are doing the right things to enhance international law, not some bully , some gangster request




Eric2 days ago

Our leader the genius. Start a trade war, then demand a favor. I am embarrassed.


Henry2 days ago

Why would the US even attempted to convince China? Even a 5-year old boy would know how China would response.


RichardR2 days ago

We throw huge tariffs at China and threaten more, then we ask them to cut their oil imports from Iran. Even a Trump supporter can see the foolishness of that.


Fortune Favors The Trolls2 days ago

Boycott all companies that do business in China! Boycott Huawei, OPPO, GM, Ford, Chrysler, Apple, Samsung, Wal-Mart, McDonald's, KFC, Burger King, etc etc


Chrisx2 days ago

Really dummy, more than 75% companies in Fortune 500 made significant sale in China.



Earl in New Orleans2 days ago

Think about it the Trump wants China and the rest of the world to help him screw Iran while at the same time Trump is screwing them. Only in a Trump world does that sounds rational


James2 days ago

China is very ungrateful and very selfish. And we gave them all of that money and technology? Trump is right again, eevwe had a bunch of morons running our country for a very long time.



Ly Nhac2 days ago

China only will have a second thought if the US somehow can limit China import. If the US can do that, oil will be useless in China.


Cuisinier de Lune Flotte2 days ago

Sure, cause the $500 billion of US imports is the only reason why China gets $13 trillion GDP last year.


