2018天津国际少儿文化艺术节 境外团队介绍之美洲篇

境外团体 十四

厄瓜多尔Lev Vygotsky 少儿艺术团Ecuador Lev Vygotsky Children's Art Troupe

The Lev Vygotsky that are present in Ecuador today are famous for their marimba music and many music and dance festivals. They are good at playing drums, flutes, trumpets and other musical artifacts. They had Chinese courses and teaches the children local traditional dance. It’s their third time to take part in Tianjin International Children’s Culture & Art Festival.

厄瓜多尔Lev Vygotsky少儿艺术团已经是第三次参加天津国际少年儿童文化艺术节,该学校开设中文课程,并教授孩子们当地传统舞蹈。厄瓜多尔全称厄瓜多尔共和国,南美洲国家联盟的成员国之一,位于南美洲西北部。该团将以他们独有的木琴音乐和节日舞蹈亮相此次艺术节。

境外团体 十五

2018天津国际少儿文化艺术节 境外团队介绍之美洲篇

加拿大曦木声乐艺术中心Canada XiMu Vocal Art Center

XiMu Vocal Training Academy is from Vancouver British Columbia, a beautiful and multicultural city. The team is full of spirit and energy! They hope to share their joys of music with all of us.


