

755. Do you know anything about this company?


756. Yes, a little. As you mentioned just now, yours is an American capital company. As far as I know your company is a world famous one which produces cosmetics and skin care products.


757. In what department did you work?


758. I was in Women's Fashion Department.


759. Have you got an excellent record in English?


760. Yes, I think l can manage English conversations with American staff members.


Dialogue A

(I = Interviewer 主試人 A= Applicant 申請人)

I: Come in, please.

A: Is this the General Manager of office?

I: Yes, it is. Be seated, please.

A: Thank.

I: May l have your name?

A: Linda Li. I was asked to have an interview this afternoon.

I: Yes. How old are you, Miss Li?

A: I'm 25.

I: How many people are there is your family?

A: Four. They are my father, my mother, my elder brother and me.

I: What do your parents do?

A: My father is a Purchaser at a department store and my mother is a saleswoman at the same store.

I: Now tell me about your educational background.

A: OK. I graduated from Beijing College of Commerce. My major is commerce.

I: What courses have you completed?

A: The courses I've completed are marketing, business law, business English, statistics, marketing principles, sales management, distribution theory, economies and psychology.

I: How are your grades?

A: I have got an average of 9o points.

I: What subject did you like best at college?

A: I liked sales strategies best.

I: Can you explain why?

A: I like dealing with people. It's quite challenging.

I: Have you got an excellent record in English?

A: Yes, I obtained nearly full marks in English.

I: That's only for your written work, I'm afraid. What about your oral English? You know, are staff members in this company are Americans as ours is an American capital company. So conversational English is very important in our company.

A: I think I can manage English conversations with American staff members. At college I often practice oral English with my classmates or cassettes.

I: Why are you interested in the job?

A: Because I love your company. Yours is one of the effective and respectable companies in this area.

I: I see. Have you worked anywhere else?

A: Yes. Four years ago, l began to work in a developing company in Nantong. One year later, I came to Shanghai, and worked in a small department store as a salesgir1. And now I'm secretary to General Manager of XinXin Department store.

I: OK. We have received your letter and resume in answer to your advertisement in the paper. I’d like to talk about your qualifications for the position.

A: I think you must have got a lot of replies to your advertisement.

I: I haven't counted the exact number of the replies, but I think there were at least thirty for the job. However, many who applied don't have the qualifications we require. We only picked out the ten best replies for interviews. And yours is just among them.

A: Thanks. I'm glad that my letter is acceptable.

I: You mentioned in your letter that you had worked in a small department store as a sa1esperson. In what department ?

A: Ladies fashion.

I: Did you like the job?

A: Yes, I liked it very much. In fact, I have a good taste in dress. I think I'm interested in clothing design and like to be dressed in fashion.

I: Well, Miss Li, it was nice talking to you. However, we want to interview the other applicants before making any final decision. You will hear from us soon. Thank you for your coming, Miss Li.

A: Thank you Sir. I hope to hear from you as soon as possible.


1. be seated, please.


2. My father is purchaser at a department store and my mother is a saleswoman at the same store.


3. I have got an average of 90 points.


4. Yes. Four years ago, I began to work in a developing Company in Nantong.


5. We only picked out the ten best replies for interviews. And yours is just among them.


6. Ladies fashion.


7. In fact, I have a good taste in dress.


Words and Expressions

salesperson n. 售貨員

tie in with 與……有關聯

commerce n.商業

marketing n.市場營銷

statistics n.統計學

psyco1ogy n. 心理學

cosmetics n.化妝品

skincare products 護膚產品

skincare 一詞由 skin (皮膚) + care (護理)組成

English conversations 英語會話

purchaser n. 採購員,購買者

sales strategies 銷售策略,銷售方法

pick up v.挑選

ladies' fashion 女式時裝

Lesson 41.About the Job of Receptionist 關於接待員職務

key Sentence (重點句子)

761.I come about your advertisement for receptionists in the

newspaper last week.


762. Have you worked anywhere else?


763. Yes, I've been working in the Beauty Restaurant as a full-time waiter after leaving the occupational school.


764. Here is my resume.


765. May I ask why you are interested in working at our hotel?


766. Because I think I'm fit for receptionist's job. I'm still learning spoken English, you know, There will be a lot of foreigners to your hotel, won't there?



767. Certainly.


768. When did you study English?


769. When I was a student, English happy to be my favorite subject. Graduation, I went on studying spoken English in mg spare time.


770. Do you think if there is still any room for improvement in your spoken English?


771. Sure, I do think so.


772. Do you think you have a good command of hotel English?


773. Yes, I think so.


774. Where do you work now?


775. I work at Beijing hotel.


776. Can you tell me why you want to leave the present post?


777. For one thing, I'm desirous of working with a large hotel like yours. I know your hotel is a five-star-grade hotel witha good reputation both at home and abroad. For another thing, my present post does not involve me much in speaking English. I think I will have more opportunities to use English at your hotel.


778. Do you want to work here because you can speak English?


779' No, not just because I can speak English. What I really want is the chance to learn some advanced methods of management from foreign staff members.


Dialogue A

(I = Interviewer 主試人 A= Applicant申請人)

I: Good morning. Can I help you?

A: Yes. I came about your advertisement for receptionists in the

newspaper last week.

I: Oh, yes. Won't you sit down? What's your name?

A: My name is Anhua Zhao.

I: How old are you?

A: I'm twenty-four years old.

I: have you working anywhere else?

A: Yes, I've been working in the Beauty Restaurant as a fulltime waiter after leaving the occupational school. Here is my resume.

I: Good. May I ask why you are interested in working at our hotel?

A: Because I think I'm fit for a receptionist's job. I'm still learning spoken English, you know. There'll be a lot of foreigners to come to your hotel, won't there?

I: Certainly. When did you study English?

A: When I was a student, English happen to be my favorite subject. After graduation. I went on studying spoken English in my spare time.

I: I see. Do you think if there is still any room for improvement in your Spoken English?

A: Sure, I do think so. But as the old saying goes "Where there is a will, there is a way. I'll do my best to improve my spoken English.

I: Wel1, that's a good answer. Can you tell me why you want to leave your present post?

A: I'm desirous of 1eaving my present employer simply because I see no chance of advancement.

I: Do you want to work here because you can speak English?

A: No, not just because I can speak English. What I really want is the chance to learn some advanced methods of management from foreign staff members.

I: We believe you would be able to do the job very well. But as you know, we have dozens of applicants to be answered. We can't reach a final decision until we talked to all applicants being asked to come here.

A: When can I know whether I'm accepted or not?

I: I think we'll send you a letter by early next month if you are wanted.

A: I see. Thank you for your talking with me.

I: Thank you, Mr Zhao, for your interest in our hotel. Good luck to you.

notes 註釋

1. Yes, I came about your advertisement for...


這裡用 come過去時多,用 have come現在完成時少。雖然是剛剛來到,但come這一動作已結束,所以用過去式。

2. But as the old saying goes "Where there is a will, the is a way." I’ll do my best to improve my spoken English.


3. I'm desirous of leaving my present employer simply because I see no chance of advancement.


4. But as you know, we have dozens of applicants to be answered.


5. We can't reach a final decision until we talked to all applicants being asked to come here.


6. When can I know whether I'm accepted or not?


7.... if you are wanted.


8. Good luck to you.


Words and Expressions

receptionist n. 接待員

occupational a. 職業的

occupational school 職業學校

spare a.空閒的

five-star-grade 為複合詞,星級的,其他如:

a three thousand-word article 一篇三千字的文章

the eighth five-year plan 第八個五年計劃

reputation n.聲譽,聲望

of good reputation 有名望的

Lesson 42. About the Job of a Front Office Manager 關於前臺經理職務

key Sentence (重點句子)

780. Why are you leaving your present job?


781. I'm desirous to leave my present employment so that I can improve my position and have more responsibilities.


782. I'd like you to tell me some of what you've been doing recently.


783. Every day I go to work on time to guarantee the proper operation of the front desk.


784. We accept booking, tell about room rates, find out how the bill will be paid and help the guests to check in and check out. When some guests want to have cancellations, change rooms or extend a reservation, we should always offer our help with courtesy.


785. In what way do most clients check out?


786. Most clients check out by credit card, traveller's cheques or Master card. our hotel doesn't accept personal cheques.


787. How do you deal with a reservation mix-up?


788. If we are booked solid, I would first of all apologize to the clients for this mistake. Then I'll ask them to rest on the chairs while I contact another hotel for them.


789. What would you do if the guest's total bill exceeds the credit limit?


790. I would ask if the guest is willing to pay the difference by cash. If not, I’ll try to get permission from the office which set the limit to extend credit over that amount.


791. Why are you interested in working with our hotel?


792. My past work experience is closely related to this job. I am confident of doing the job well. Therefore I am desirous to get this post.


793. Don't you like the work?


794. I liked the work. However, the hotel is too small for me to widen my experience.


795. There are not many foreign guests in the hotel. As an English major, I’d like to take a more challenging job. That's the reason why I want to come here for a job.


796. How long have you been working there?


797. I’ve been working there since l996.


Dialogue A

(I = Interviewer 主試人 A = Applicant 申請人)

A: Excuse me. May I see Mr. John Watt, the manager?

I: It's me. What can I do for you?

A: I have come at your invitation for an interview. Nice to meet you, Mr. Watt.

I: Nice to meet you, too. Please sit down.

A: Thank you, sir.

I: I’ve invited several candidates to come today. You are the first one to have arrived. I hope that the early bird will catch the worm.

A: I hope so.

I: May l have your name?

A: I am Beijiang Zhang.

I: How do you spell your surname?

A: Zhang- Z. H. A. N. G.

I: Now tell me what university you were graduated from.

A: I was graduated from Nanjing University.

I: What was your major in the university?

A: My major is English.

I: No wonder you speak English so fluently.

A: Thank you for your compliment, Sir.

I: Where are you working now?

A: I’m working at Baodao Hotel.

I: I would like you to tell me some of what you have been doing recently.

A: OK. Every day I go to work on time to guarantee the proper operation of the front desk. We accept booking, tell about room rates, find out how the bill will be paid and help the guests to check in and check out. When some guests want to

have cancellations, change rooms or extend a reservation, we should always offer our help with courtesy.

I: In what way do most clients check out?

A: Most clients check out by credit card, traveller's cheques or Master Card. Our hotel doesn’t accept personal cheques.

I: How do you deal with a reservation mix-up?

A: If we are booked solid, I would first of all apologize to the clients for this mistake. Then I'll ask them to rest on the chairs while I contact another hotel for them.

I: What would you do if the guest's total bil1 exceeds the credit limit?

A: I would ask if the guest is willing to pay the difference by cash. If no, I'll try to get permission from the office which set the limit to extend credit over that amount.

I: You seem to have done a good job. Why would you come here to apply for the job?

A: Ours is a small hotel. There are not many foreign guests every year. As an English major, I'd like to take a more challenging job. That's the reason why I want to come and work in your hotel.

I: How long have you been working there?

A: I've been working there since 1996,

I: Could you tell me your expectation in salary?

A: The average salary for department managers is OK.

I: Have you got any other extra requirements?

A: No.

I: We'll grant you a commencing salary of 3,500 Yuan a month. Is that acceptable to you?

A: I think so.

I: How can we contact you about our final decision?

A: You can call me at this number during the work hours.

I: We'll get in touch with you by next Monday. Thank you, Mr. Zhang for your interest in our hotel.

A: Thank you, Mr. Watt. I hope to see you again.

I: I hope so.

notes 註釋

1. It's me.


2. You are the first one to have arrived. I hope that the early bird will catch the worm.


The early bird will catch the worm.


3. No wonder you speak English so fluently.


No wonder (that)...


He had made a thorough investigation. No wonder he knew

so much about it.


4. Thank you for your compliment, sir.


5. The average salary for department managers is OK.


Words and Expressions

recently 最近,近來

guarantee v.保證

the front desk (賓館的)前臺工作

Front Office Manager 前臺經理

room rates 房間價格

check in 登記入住

check out結賬

cancellation n. 取消預訂

reservation n. 預留、預訂

with courtesy 禮貌地,客氣地

client n. 顧客,委託人

credit card 信用卡

travller's cheque 旅行支票

Master Card 萬事達卡

Personal cheque 個人支票

注意: Cheque在英語中也可拼寫為check。

book solid 客滿

exceed v. 超過

compliment n. 讚揚,稱讚的話

commencing salary 起薪

get in touch with 與……聯繫

Lesson 43. About the Job of a Tourist Guide 關於導遊職務

Key Sentences (重點句子)

798. Why do you want to be a tour guide?


799. l want to be a tour guide because I like to travel and I also like meeting various kinds of people.


800. I think guiding Chinese tourists abroad would be very interesting.


801. What courses have you completed at college?


802. In addition to English, I have studied economics of tourism, tourist marketing, tourist psychology , tourist cultures, tourist etiquette science, guiding methods and techniques ,vocational ethics of tourism, law of tourism, and so on.


803. Have you learned any other foreign languages other than English?


804. Yes, I have learned a little French.


805. Were you taught by any foreign teachers?


806. Yes. Foreign teachers from the United State, Canada , England taught us English at college.


807. What are the responsibilities of a tourist guide?


808. A tourist guide must be responsible for arranging and coordinating tour activities, and offering service of transportation, accommodations, sightseeing, shopping and entertainment.


Dialogue A

(I = Interviewer主試人A = Applicant 申請人)

I: Hello, Mr. Li. Won't you sit down?

A: Thanks a lot.

l: I'm Weimin Liu, the personnel manager. Nice to meet you.

A: How do you do, Mr. Liu? I'm pleased to see you.

l: Now let's start with your identification. Please tell me your fu1l name.

A: My full name is Ming Li.

I; Where do you come from?

A: l come from Guangxi Zhuang Autonmous Region.

I: How many people are there in your family?

A: There are five of us: my grandmother, my parents, and elder sister and me.

I: How do you get along with your sister?

A: We get along very well. She is one year senior to me. When I go during holiday every year, we go boating and mountain-climbing together a lot.

I: Do you think you are quite extroverted or introverted?

A: Well, l always enjoy being with a group of people and chatting with others. But when I come to be reading, I prefer to be by myself. On the whole, I'm quite outgoing.

l: Why do you want to be a tour guide?

A: I like to travel and I also like meeting various kinds of people ,so I think guiding Chinese tourists abroad would be interesting.

I: What courses have you completed at Beijing Institute of Foreign languages for Tourism?

A: In addition to English, I have studied economics of tourism ,tourist marketing, tourist psychology, tourist cultures ,tourist etiquette science , guiding methods and techniques ,vocational ethics of tourism, law of tourism, and so on.

I: Have you learned any other foreign languages other than English?

A: Yes, I have learned a little French and German as well.

I: What are the responsibilities of a tourist guide?

A: A tourist guide must be responsible for arranging and coordinating tour activities, and offering service of transportation , accommodations, sightseeing, shopping and entertainment.

l: Have you ever had any actual experience as a tourist guide?

A: I have a litt1e experience. I guided a few groups of foreign tourist around Beijing last winter vacation. I showed them to the Great Wall, the Imperial Palace, the Ming Tombs, the Temple Of Heaven, and the Summer Palace.

I: Then you may know that it's hard work.

A: Yes, I know. But I don't mind working hard.

I: Have you sat for the National Examinations for Tourist Guides?

A: Yes, I have got a qualification certificate.

I: If we engage you as a guide in Overseas Department, which section do you expect to work in, Asian Section, or European Section, or American Section?

A: I'd like to Work in American Section, for my knowledge of America is better than that of the other continents.

I: Speaking of America, I'd like to ask you a few questions .Which river is the longest one in America?

A: The Mississippi River.

I: can you name large cities in the U. S. ?

A: New York, Washington, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Boston, Houston, Chicago, only to mention a few among many.

I: What is the Ye1lowstone National Park famous for?

A: It's we1l-known for its natural gesysters .

I: In which state is the Grand Canyon?

A: In Arizona.

I: There is a famous tourist attraction between the U. S. And Canada. What is it?

A: Niagara Falls.

I: Well, it seems to me that you won’t fail to answer any questions. Now tell me when you can start to work here.

A: I'1l come down to Guangzhou as soon as I receive my diploma and bachelor's degree certificate next month. Perhaps somewhere around July 2O.

[: Is there anything you want to ask for?

A: No. I only wish that you could given me a definite answer to my application as soon as possible .If you fail to accept me ,I'll have to secure a position elsewhere.

I: I see. Actually, I can give you a positive answer right here and now: tomorrow I'm going to send a letter of acceptance to your institute. So you can go back to Beijing with ease.

A: Thank you, Mr. Liu, for your kind offer.

I: We'll expect you here next month. See you then.

A: See you later.



1 Now let's start with your identification .


2 I come from Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.


3 She is one year senior to me .


4 But when I come to be reading ,I prefer to be by myself.


5.On the whole ,I'm quite outgoing.


6 Have you for the National Examinations for Tourist Guides?


sit for examination參加考試

7 If we engage you as a guide in Overseas Department, which section do you expect to work in ,Asian Section , or European Section ,or American Section?


8. Speaking of America,…


9. Perhaps somewhere around July 20.

可能在7月 20 號左右。

10.If you fail to accept me ,I'll have to secure a position elsewhere.



Words and Expressions

identification n.鑑定,身份

autonomous a .自治的

region n. 地區,區域

extroverted a.外向的

introverted a.內向的

outgoing a.開朗的、外向的

etiquette n.禮儀,成規

ethics n. 倫理、道德

transportation n.交通、運輸

transportation n .膳宿

the Imperial palace 故宮

the Temple of Heaven 天壇

the Summer Palace 頤和園

section n.部門,分支

only to mention 僅舉幾例

natural gesysters n自然噴泉

the Grand Canyon 大峽谷

Niagara Falls 尼亞加拉瀑布

Lesson 44. About the Job of Head of Claim Department 關於索賠部門主管職務

Key Sentences(重點句子)

809 Did you work in a similar position before?


810. Yes.I have been with ABC Insurance Company for four years ,and before that ,I worked with the pacific surveyor company as claim officer.


811,Could you tell me the usual procedures to handle such case?


812 Yes, on the shipper's side ,when the cargos arrived ,all relevant documents will be forwarded to the consignee .Among other things,this party has to check carefully content of the packing list and weight list .When cargos is found to be damaged of shortlanded,this party has to call for a joint survey by representatives of the shipping company and the Insurance agent. Based on the survey report,they will lodge a claim for compensation .


813 If you act as our representative what would you do to safeguard our interest?


814、 I think, first of all, I will ask the consignee to produce survey report on loading , if they can't produce that I suggest them to refer the case to their shipper Meanwhile,bad weather could be a good excuse to refuse the responsibility.


815 Are yon able to operate the telex?


816, Yes,I used to dispatch telex to shipper and the consignee to inform them change of our schedule and other information..


817. Now tell me if you have a good command of both written and spoken English.


818. When I was at college, I passed Band Six of College English Test .All the foreign business men I've dealt with say my English is quite good .

我上大學時就通過了 學英語六級考試,所有和找打過交道的外商都說我英語很好.

819. If you are selected in this position, you must Prepare to travel overseas frequently


820.No problem ,I love It.Thank you for granting me the interview.


Dialogue A

(I = Interviewer 主試人 A= Applicant 申請人)

A: Good afternoon, Sir.

I: Gook afternoon. Sit down, please.

A: Thank you.

I: You are Mr. Dongfang Cheng? I am Henry Hudson.

A: Yes. Nice to meet you, Mr. Hudson.

I: To start with, tell me about your education, please.

A: All right. I graduated from Shanghai College of Foreign Trade six years ago. I majored in international trade.

I: Very well .did you work in a similar position before?

A: Yes. I have been with ABC Insurance Company for four years.

I: Could you tell me the usual procedures to handle such case?

A: Yes, on the shipper's side, when the cargos arrived, all relevant documents wil1 be forwarded to the consignee. Among other things, this party had to check carefully content of the packing list and the weight list. When cargos is found to be damaged or shortlanded, this Party has to call for a joint survey by representatives of the shipping company and the insurance agent .Based on the survey report ,they will lodge a claim for compensation.

I: Very good. Now if you act as our representative what would you do to safeguard our interest?

A: I think, first of all, I will ask the consignee to produce survey report on loading, if they can't produce that I suggest them to refer the case to their shipper. Meanwhile ,bad weather could be a good excuse to refuse the responsibility

I: Are you able to operate the telex?

A: Yes, I used to dispatch telex to shipper and their consignee to inform them change of our schedule and other information.

I: Have you travelled a lot in your work?

A: Yes. I have travelled dozens of times abroad. I have been to countries as Thailand, Singapore, Japan, Indonesia, Burma, the Netherands , Deamark, Italy, Germany and England.

I: Now tell me if you have a good command of both written and spoken English.

A: When I was at college, I passed Band six of College English Test. All the foreign business men I have dealt with say my English is quite good .

I: May I ask why you want to change jobs?

A: Because I wish to get a more challenging opportunity at your company.

I: Why are you interested in this company?

A: A friend of mine works here, and he told me about your Company, so I became interested. l think working in this company would provide me with a good opportunity to use my knowledge.

I: What do you know about this company?

A: This company is one of the biggest shipping companies in the world. There are a lot of branches in all parts of the world. with the head office in the USA, Shanghai Office was established four yeas ago.

I: Good. By the way, would you describe yourself as extroverted or more introverted?

A: I think I am quite outgoing. I like cooperation with others ,and getting the job done by working together.

I: Do you have any hobby?

A: Yes, I like sports and music.

I: So far, so good. I think you'd 1ike to know about the remuneration. The starting salary for the head of Claim Department in this company is RMB 5,O00 Yuan per month ,and raise are given after six months according to your ability. We provide fringe benefits such as annual bonus, three-week paid vacation a year, and health insurance. Are these satisfactory?

A: Yes, these are quite satisfactory.

I: Do you have any questions about the job?

A: I was told that some of your Chinese employees are sent to the United States to attend the training program provided by the head office. I'd like to know how you choose employees to attend the program.

I: Almost all Chinese employees are eligible to attend the training course, but as the number of trainees at one time is limited .we select them on their merits.

A: One more question, are there any chances for Chinese employees to be transferred to the head office or other branch offices around the world?

I: Certainly. There would be good chances for you to work overseas, I think, if you are really a capable man. How about the job? Are you really interested?

A: Sure. I'll do my utmost if I am employed by this company.

I: It has been pleasant talking with you, Mr. Cheng. We'll notify you of our final decision within one week.

A: Thank you, Mr. Hudson, for your interview with me. I hope to see you again.

I: Good-bye.


1. You are Mr.Dongfang Cheng?



2、 I have been to countries as Thailand ,Singapore,Japan,Indonesia,Burma,the Netherlands,Denmark ,Italy,Germany and England。


3. This company is one of the biggest shipping companies in the world. There are a lot of branches in all parts of the world ,with the head office in the USA。


4.So far,so good


5. We provide fringe benefits such as annual bonus ,three-week paid vacation a year , and health Insurance,


6. almost all Chinese employees are eligible to attend the training course, but as the number of trainees at one time is limited ,we select them on their merits.


7. One more question,...


Words and Expressions

major 主修…

procedure n程序,過程


consignee n.收貨人,受託人

the Packing list 裝箱單

the weight list 重量單

cargo n貨物

insurance agent 保險代理人

survey v.n 檢查,調查

survey report 驗貨報告書

telex n 電傳掛號

produce V、拿出,出示

the head office 總部,總公司

eligible a.合格的,合適的

on their merits 根據他們的業績

transfer n.v轉移,調動

Lesson 45.About the Job of a senior Production Planner 關於高級生產管理人員職務

Key Sentences重點句子

821. Excuse me, is this personnel division?


822. l came about your advertisement for a senior production planner


823. Is there any still available now?


824. Here is my resume.


825. What degree do you have now ?


826. I have the degree of the Master of Applied Mathematics.


827. Why are you interested in the position?


828. Because I read your advertisement in the newspaper last week. It says that you need a senior production planner ,Who is fluent in English and good at mathematics. I think I'm fit for the position.


829. For the past six years, I've been dealing with foreigners in English so my ability to write and speak English is out of question, and what's more, I'm sure my major would be of great use for the position.


830. I'm quite happy in my present work, indeed. But it's known to all yours is a great company of high prestige. I hope I would have more responsibility and improve my position.


831. Excuse me for interrupting, but could you tell me what types of people you like to work with?


832. To tell you the truth, I can cooperate with various people .People say I'm a good-natured person. But, of course, I especially enjoy working with people who are responsible ,friendly and helpful.

說真話,我能和各種各樣的人合作。人們說我是個性子很好的人,但是,當然,我特別喜歡與有責任感. 待人友好、樂於助人的人一起工作。

833. What section would you like to work in if you enter this company?


834. I wish to work in the planning department.


835. What type of work wil1 you expect to do at first?


836. I want to design the corporate identity.



Dialogue A

(I = Interviewer 主試人 A = Applicant申請人 )

A: Excuse me, is this personnel division?

I: Yeah. What can I do for you?

A: I came about your advertisement for a senior production planner. Is there any still available?

I: Oh, yes. Won't you sit down? What's your surname?

A: My surname is Lu.

I: What's your first name, Mr. Liu?

A: It's Zhiliang.

I: I'm the director of personnel division of the company Mr. Brown.

A: How do you do, Mr. Brown?

I: How do you do, Mr. Liu?

A: Here is my resume.

I: Fine. You've been in the US about six years, haven't you?

A: Yes, I came to study in Princeton University in 1989.

I: Who was the advisor of your research program ?

A: Professor Smith.

I: What degree do you have now?

A: Master of Applied Mathematics.

I: Why are you interested in the position?

A: Because I read your advertisement in the newspaper last week. It says that you need a senior production planner, who is fluent in English and good at mathematics. I think I'm fit for the position. For the past six years, I've been dealing with foreigners in English, so my ability to write and speak English is out of question, and what's more, I'm sure my major would be of great use for the position.

I: I see. Are you satisfied with your present work in Tulane University?

A: I'm quite happy in my present work, indeed. But it's known to all yours is a great company of high prestige. I hope I would have more responsibility and improve my position...

I: Excuse me for interrupting, but could you tell me what types of people you like to work with?

A: To tell you the truth, I can cooperate with various people. people say I'm a good-natured person. But of course. I especially enjoy working with people who are responsible, friendly and helpful.

I: That's good. Do you have any particular conditions that you would like our company to take into consideration?

A: No, nothing in particular.

I: All right. If we decided to hire you, we'd pay you two thousand and five hundred Yuan a month at the start. You can have Saturdays and Sundays off. Besides, you may have a paid month holiday every year. How do you think about it?

A: As regards salary, I leave it to you to decide after experience of capacity.

I: Well, we'll give you our decision in a couple of days. It's a pleasure to talk to you, Mr. Liu.

A: Thank you, Mr. Brown. I really appreciate your assistance.


Notes 註釋

1. I'm the director of personnel division of the company, Mr. Brown.


2. Who was the advisor of your research program?


3. Are you satisfied with your present work in Tulane University?


4 a great company of high prestige.


5. No, nothing in particular.


6. You can have Saturdays and Sundays off.


7. As regards salary, I leave it to you to decide after experience of capacity.



Words and Expressions

Yeah ad. 英語口語,相當於yes

surname 姓

the States 即 the United States,美國

advisor n.導師

out of question 不成問題,毫無疑問

fluent a 流利的

what's more 另外,而且

of great use 具有很大用途

a good-natured person 一個性格很好的人

nature 此處指性格

take into consideration 把……考慮進文

capacity n能力

Lesson 46.About the Job of a Nurse 關於護土職務


837. I'm here for an interview as requested.


838. Have you brought your credentials?


839. This is my certificate of nurse qualifications.


840. Now tell me something about your professional education.


841. All right. That nurse school offered such professional course as nursing science, nursing psychology, nursing ethics, internal medicine and its nursing, surgery and its nursing, pediatrics and it nursing, traditional Chinese


842. We also studied some basic courses, such as math, physics,chemistry,etc.


843. Did you learn English at the nurse school?


844. Oh. yes.


845. And I went on studying English at Chuntian Evening School of Foreign languages for two years after my graduation from the nurse school.


846. What section do you work in the hospital?

847. I work in Internal Medicine Division.


848. What are you responsible for?


849. I am responsible for clinical nursing of patients in Internal Medicine Division. My responsibilities include taking histories, keeping charts, giving injections, administering medication, testing temperature and blood-pressure, preparing patients for treatments, changing sheets and quilts, etc.



Dialogue A

(I = Interviewer 主試人 A = Applicant 申請人)

A: Is this the office of overseas Labor Department?

I: Yes. Come in please. What can I do for you?

A: I'm here for an interview as requested.

I: You are Miss Yang?

A: That's right.

I: Please take a seat.

A: Thank you, madam.

I: Have you brought your credentials!

A: Yes, here they are. This is my ID Card. This is my diploma .And this is my certificate of nurse qualifications.

I: Let me have a look. Your ID card indicates you were born in 1976.

A: Yes. I'm twenty-three years old.

I: But you look younger than your age.

A: Thanks.

I: Your birthplace is Xingning County of Guangdong. Can you speak Hakka, then?

A: Of course. I was brought up there.

I: Good. Some Singaporean employers can speak Hakka too ,because they are descendants of the Hakka. When did you leave your home town?

A: At the age of fifteen when l was graduated from Junior middle School and admitted into Nurse School of Zhongshan Medical university.

I: Now tell me something about your professional education.

A: All right. That nurse school offered such professional courses as nursing science, nursing psychology, nursing ethics, internal medicine and its nursing, surgery and its nursing, pediatrics and its nursing, traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture and moxibustion , etc. We also studied some basic courses, such as maths, physics, chemistry, etc.

I: Did you learn English at the nurse school?

A: Yes. I went on to study English at Chuntian Evening School of Foreign languages for two years after my graduation from the nurse school.

I: Your resume says you worked at Zhuiang Hospital for one year. What were you responsible for?

A: I was responsible for clinical nursing of patients in Internal Medicine Division. My responsibilities included taking histories, keeping chats, giving injections, administering medication, testing temperature and blood-pressure, preparing patients for treatments, changing sheets and quilts, etc.

I: Your present work unit is south Hospital. What section do you work in?

A: I work in overseas Section.

I: Wonderful. It is reported in the newspaper that your section has got the honorable title of "Advanced Section" conferred by the Military Commission of the Central committee of the CPC. I think everybody in your section must be great in technical skills and service attitudes.

A: Thank you for your compliment. We are far from perfect.

I: What does your work entail there?

A: I perform rehabilitation nursing. My work involves taking actions according to doctors, helping patients restore their organic functions, training patients in speech and organism, carrying out massage and physiotherapy. I'm also responsible for patients nutrition and diet, and satisfying their personal needs.

I: Have you received any honorable title personally?

A: Yes, I was thrice singed out as an "Advanced Worker".

I: Your resume said you are unmarried. But l wonder if you have a fiance .

A: Oh, no. I'm still young.

I: Do you have any personal interests?

A: Yes, gardening and cooking are my two great interests. I enjoy playing the piano and telling stories as well.

I: Well, considering your qualifications, we believe you would be a suitable candidate. But as you know, we have dozens of applicants to be interviewed. We can not reach a final decision until we talked to all applicants being asked to come here.

A: When can I know whether l am accepted or not?

I: I think we'll send you a letter by early next week, if you are wanted. Or we may give you a call. By the way, have you got a telephone?

A: Yes, my office phone number is 6656327.

I: What's the best time to call you, then?

A: Between four and five in the afternoon, I'm afraid.

I: Thank you for coming, Miss Yang.

A: The pleasure is mine. It's been nice talking with you, madam. Good-bye.


Notes 註釋

1. Is this the office of overseas Labor Department?


2.But you look younger than your age.


3 and admitted into Nurse School of Zhongshan Medical University


4. I work in overseas Section.


5. We are far from perfect.


6. What does your work entail there?


7. I perform rehabilitation nursing. My work involves taking actions according to doctors, helping patients restore their or


8.... and satisfying their personal needs.



Words and Expressions

credentials n憑證

ID card 身份證

Hakka n.客家人

Singaporean n 新加坡人,

a 新加坡的

pediatrics n. 兒科學,小兒科

traditional Chinese medicine 中醫

acupuncture 針灸

moxibustion n.艾灸

giving injections 打針

injection 注射

medication 藥物,藥劑

Advanced Section 先進科室

confer 授予

entail V.使承擔

perform 完成,執行

rehabi1itation n.恢復,復原

restore v恢復

organic a 器官的,有機的

organism n 生物體,有機體

massage V 按摩、推拿

physiotherapy n理療

thrice ad. 三次

single out 挑選出

fiance n未婚夫

suitable a合適的,適當的

Lesson 47 About the job a Medical Representative 關於醫藥代表職務

Key sentence (重點句子)

850. Can you tell me why you would like to work as a medical representative with us?


851. I like kind of job, and your company is one of the most famous pharmaceutical corporations in the world.

我喜歡這項工作。而且,貴公司是世界上最著名的醫藥公司之一 。

852. Having worked as a paediatrician in the OPD for two years, I want to apply for this position for a change.


853. Well, I enjoy working in different places and meeting new people. That will widen my experience in the work.


854. What kind of antipyretic do you usually prescribe to children who have got high fever?


855. Asprin, Ati-Phen Syrup, Snalets-FR as well as some mixture fixed by our own hospital.


856. What kind of antibiotics do you usually prescribe to children?


857. We usually use Amoxicillin Syrup and Amoxicillin Oral Suspension BP. They have less side–effect than Tabellae Erythromycini Ethylsuccinatis.


858. What could you do for our company if I hire you?


859. Having worked in the children’s Hospital for two years. I know thoroughly the pharmacologhy and dosage of various kinds of medicine .I am also familiar with the organizations of hospitals in our country. Could I get the position, it would not be very difficult for me to put forward a plan to promote selling of your medicine.


860. Do you mind going on business trip?


861. Definitely not. I enjoy traveling.


Dialogue A

(I = Interviewer 主持人 A = Applicant 申請人)

I: Good morning. Have your seat please. Was it difficult getting here?

A: Not really. I have prepared for that.

I: May I have your name, please?

A: My name is Ming Liu.

I: Are you married?

A: No, sir. I'm still single.

I: Do you live with your family?

A: No, I rent a flat with one friend.

I: What university did you graduate from?

A: I graduated from Shanshai Medical University.

I: Well, Mr. Liu, can you tell me why you would like to work as a medical representative with us?

A: I like this kind of work, and your company is one of the most famous pharmaceutical corporations in the world. Having worked as a paediatrician in the OPD for two years, I want to apply for this position for a change.

I: What kind of antipyretic do you usually prescribe to children who have got high fever?

A: Asprin, Anti-Phen Syrup, Snaplets-FR as well as me mixture fixed by our own hospital.

I: What about antibiotics?

A: We usually use Amoxycillin Syrup and Amoxicillin Oral Suspension BP. They have less side-effect than Tabellae Erythromycini Ethylsuccinatis.

I: What could you do for our company if l hire you?

A: Having worked in the Children's Hospital for two years, I know thoroughly the pharmacology and dosage of various kinds of medicine. I am also familiar with the organizations of hospitals in our country. Could I get the position, it would not be very difficult for me to put forward a plan to promote selling of your medicine.

I: Don't you think it a pity for you to leave your present hospital?

A: It is a pity to some extent. I have learned much in this hospital. But I would like to try a different kind of life. I prefer to be on the ball. By the way, could you tell me something about insurance and things like that?

I: Every incumbent in our company enjoys life insurance, unemployment insurance and a decent pension after serving for 20 year here. Our employees also enjoy free medical service.

A: I see.

I: Do you mind going on business trip?

A: Definitely not. I enjoy traveling.

I: Well, the next thing I must do is to take up your reference.

A: Take up my references?

I: Yes, it's a rule of the firm. What I mean is this: we always ask your present employer for a report on your work.

A: Do all firm do that?

l: Oh, yes, it's normal business practice. Now I see from your application form that Mr. He is your present leader.

A: Yes, he is.

I: Then I'll ask him to give you a reference. I'll write to you within a day or two.

A: I shall look forward to hearing from you. Good-bye.

I: Good-bye.

Notes 註釋

l. Have your seat, please.


2. medical representative


3. I have prepared for that.


4. It's a pity to some extent.


5. But I would like to try a different kind of life. I prefer to be on the ball.


6. Insurance and things like that?


7. Every incumbent in our company enjoys life insurance, unemployment insurance and a decent pension after serving for 20 year here.


8. Take up my references?


9. Yes, it's a rule of the firm.


10. What I mean is this....


11. Oh, yes, it's a normal business practice.


12. Then I'll ask him to give you a reference.


13. Could I get the position...

這句為例裝結構,等於if I could get the position……

Words and Expressions

representative n. 代表,代理人

pharmaceutical a.醫藥的

corporation n.法人,股份有限公司

paediatrician n. 兒科醫生

OPD: Out Patient Department 門診部

antipyretic n.退燒藥,解熱劑

prescribe 開處方

syrup n. 糖漿 開處方

promote V. 促進,提高

prefer 寧願

insurance n.保險

antibiotic n.抗菌素,抗生素

side-effect n. 副作用

pharmacology n. 藥理學,藥物學

dosage n. 劑量,用量

incumbent n. 任職者

Pension n.年金,養老金


