
你是不是經常把自己和身邊的人對比,並且很羨慕他們?(Do you ever look at the lives of people around you and say,"Man, I wish that was me.")

這個視頻的主角叫Tom Shillue,是一位喜劇演員和主持人。他說自己當初幹這行,就每天想著能成為自己這個領域的the top guy,但是後來沒能如願以償。


他用一句話總結了原因何在:I stopped comparing myself to other people.

是的,他就做到了這一點,就讓自己每天過得很快樂。用他自己的話來說就是That's the whole trick.


1. 如果我的快樂是建立在能不能成為最受歡迎的喜劇演員的基礎上,那麼只要在Netflix(一個國外視頻網站)上,任何別的演員只要比我出現的多,我肯定會天天想著這事,最後就會瘋掉的。(If my happindess were based on being the biggest comedian in the business, I'd be mad at whoever was getting more Netflix specials than me.)

2. 如果我的快樂是建立在能不能擁有最高好收視率這件事上,那麼我也會被Jimmy Fallon搞瘋掉的,因為他的節目的收視率每天都會弔打我。(If it were based on having the best TV ratings, I'd be mad at Jimmy Fallon. He beats me every night.)

3. 如果我的快樂是建立在能不能擁有最多的財富上,那麼我會被很多人搞瘋掉的。即使我是財富很多的人,比如福布斯富人棒的前10名當中有我,那我也會被其它9位富豪搞瘋掉的。(And if it were based on being rich, I'd be mad at a lot of people. And even if I were rich, really rich like #10 on the Forbes 400 rich, I'd be mad that there were nine other people richer than me.)

總是和他人論長短,會導致你產生一些不切實際的想法和做法,它會臆造一些成功的假象。(Comparing yourself to others creates a totally unrealistic measure for what constitutes success.)

如果你是個醫生,你身邊的人可能會對你說,你的終極目標(ultimate goal)應該是拯救成千上萬人的生命。

如果你是個律師,你身邊的人可能會對你說,你的終極目標(ultimate goal)應該是站上最高法庭去贏下一場官司。

這些是多麼可怕的聲音!他們說的可能在理,但是對於你自己來說,成功應該是謀生,然後不斷的追求優秀,找到自己事業的意義所在。(Professional success is about making a living, pursuing excellence, and finding meaning in what you do.)

任何人你不能只看他的一面(You can't view one element of someone else's life in isolation.)


外表看上再完美的人,在他們自己的生活中,都有不完美的一面。(Everyone has pain in their lives.)



就像Tom Shillue最後所說的那樣:I gusess when I compare myself now to myself then, I'm doing okay.


