頂樓上的風光-Phoenix 屋頂花園,墨爾本 / BENT Architecture

Phoenix Rooftop坐落於墨爾本繁華市中心的30層樓頂上,作用壯麗的城市景觀。這座位於高空中的花園是一處微縮的戶外休閒空間,為穿行在城市生活與郊野風光之間的人們提供了過渡場所。

Phoenix Rooftop is a green refuge in the unlikeliest of places – 30-storeys high, on an exposed, yet spectacular site in the heart of Melbourne. This garden in the sky allows two down-sizing professionals to retain the joy of outdoor living as they transition from the suburbs to the city.

▼屋頂花園,the rooftop garden

頂樓上的風光-Phoenix 屋頂花園,墨爾本 / BENT Architecture


“Swing open the door, climb just one flight of stairs and you are transported to a secret garden in the sky.” Brodie Norris, Lunchbox Media

頂樓上的風光-Phoenix 屋頂花園,墨爾本 / BENT Architecture


Our clients wanted their rooftop garden to provide functional areas akin to a typical suburban garden, but in a uniquely exposed, overlooked (and lofty) site. To achieve this, the site is divided into three distinct, yet connected zones: one for standing (cocktail in hand, raising a toast to the sunset), another for sitting (book over your face in the sun), and one for outdoor eating (BBQing a meal for family and friends under the stars).

▼戶外燒烤區,the BBQ space

頂樓上的風光-Phoenix 屋頂花園,墨爾本 / BENT Architecture

頂樓上的風光-Phoenix 屋頂花園,墨爾本 / BENT Architecture

▼站立休閒區,the standing area

頂樓上的風光-Phoenix 屋頂花園,墨爾本 / BENT Architecture

頂樓上的風光-Phoenix 屋頂花園,墨爾本 / BENT Architecture


Raised garden beds, bedazzled with delicate mosaics and filled with fragrant and flowering plants, define each zone while acting as both balustrade and wind break; the coloured tiles, green, white, yellow and blue, an abstraction of the garden itself. A sculptural steel arbour dances overhead, supporting the canopy of an unwieldy creeper; shielding and protecting the garden and its occupants, responding to each zone’s relative need for privacy, sunlight, and protection from the wind and rain.

▼涼亭成為了植物的攀爬架,a sculptural steel arbour supporting the canopy of an unwieldy creeper

頂樓上的風光-Phoenix 屋頂花園,墨爾本 / BENT Architecture

▼馬賽克花池裡植滿了芬芳四溢的花朵,raised garden beds, bedazzled with delicate mosaics and filled with fragrant and flowering plants

頂樓上的風光-Phoenix 屋頂花園,墨爾本 / BENT Architecture

頂樓上的風光-Phoenix 屋頂花園,墨爾本 / BENT Architecture

屋頂花園仍然是一個實驗性議題,尤其是在這座30層高的屋頂上。據設計師所知,該屋頂花園是墨爾本當地最高的一座 ,也是探討城市屋頂空間的革新性實驗。它暴露在數以萬計的城市工作者面前,大力宣揚了環境的可持續性利用。它向人們傳達了一個訊息,“我們的建築不論是從表面上還是引申意義上都可以變得更綠色。”對設計師來說,打造功能性,美麗和宜居的屋頂花園是社會可持續性發展的重要部分。而對於環境可持續發展方面,屋頂花園則提供了非常直接的方法。綠色屋頂設計需是怡人的,為公眾所享受的空間。

Rooftop gardens are still an experimental science — particularly 30-storeys high, in one of Melbourne’s most exposed sites. To our knowledge, this is the highest rooftop garden attempted in Melbourne, and is an innovative example of the ongoing and important investigation into the potential of green roofs in our cities. Visible to thousands of office-workers every day, this project is a billboard for environmental sustainability. The message reads, ‘our buildings can be greener, both literally and figuratively’. To us, creating functional, beautiful and liveable rooftop gardens is an important part of social sustainability, improving on the environmental outcomes green roofs alone can provide. Green roofs should be designed to be enjoyed and experienced by people.

▼夜景,night view

頂樓上的風光-Phoenix 屋頂花園,墨爾本 / BENT Architecture

“板球場上的燈光閃亮著,似是今晚又有一場比賽上演。雅拉河上的船手們成排搖曳著,遠遠的難以辯清他們的數量。幾英畝的Botanical花園為冰冷的St Kilda Road大樓帶來鮮活。如螞蟻般大小的人群聚集在聯邦廣場上,他們移動著如同瓶子裡留出的液體。在Flinders Street Station,這些螞蟻般的人群又穿梭在黃色和綠色的巢穴裡,勤勞得服務著他們的蟻王。遠處閃爍著的是平靜的港灣和夏日沙灘。這座屋頂花園就環繞在如此超現實般的幻境裡,景色之壯觀讓人驚歎不已。”BN

“The lights are on at the MCG; must be a game on tonight. Rowers glide by on the Yarra; the count of the cox not audible from this height. Acres of the Botanical Garden’s lush green bleed into the grey of St Kilda Road’s office towers and apartments. People, the size of ants, gather at Federation Square, like it’s the site of a sticky spill of soft drink. At Flinders Street Station, the ant-people rush in and out of their yellow and green mound, working busily for their queen. Shimmering in the distance are the calm waters of the bay and the distant beaches of summertime holidays. Surrounded by the tangle of this surreal secret garden makes this incredible view even more breath-taking.” BN

▼花園位於30層屋頂上的花園,the garden locates on a 30-storey building’s rooftop

頂樓上的風光-Phoenix 屋頂花園,墨爾本 / BENT Architecture


頂樓上的風光-Phoenix 屋頂花園,墨爾本 / BENT Architecture


頂樓上的風光-Phoenix 屋頂花園,墨爾本 / BENT Architecture


頂樓上的風光-Phoenix 屋頂花園,墨爾本 / BENT Architecture

