
第七章 天长地久


















政客除了处理日常生活和工作中,达到老子所言的圣人标准” 后其身而身先,外其身而身存“即类似范仲淹的” 先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐“观点外。还应做到以下三点:







Chapter 7

Heaven is eternal, the Earth everlasting

How come they to be so? It is because they do not foster their own lives.

That is why they live so long.

Therefore the Sage

Puts himself benefit in the back; but is always to the fore.

Life remained outside; but is always alive.

Is it not just because he does not strive for any personal pursue?

That all his personal pursue are fulfilled.


1、How does the common people follow the WAY to reach eternal state “not foster their own lives” ?

As we all known, the WAY is ruthless, it is not the goal of its own survival, that is why it obtain forever. So how do we follow the WAY track to put ourselves benefit outside?

In binary view theory, we should do regardless of personal gain and loss, to meet the collective interests, then individual interests can be solved accordingly, so promote your value of the individual. In case of Chinese national policy, we can also see this theory used, such as letting some people get rich first, and then driving more people into the rich life.

However, it is more efficient and convenient to carry out these problem in unary view.

In unary view theory, other’s collective benefit is equal with your personal benefit. Everyone holds the belongs to his own world. It is obedient to you and it is definitely unique. Both of benefit are integrated and can not be clearly separated. Once you start to distinguish them, your bottom line will be refreshed again and again until you go crazy to feel being exploited ruthlessly.

For example, the company took a big order and you had to work overtime. When you start to think about how much money the company can get from the big bill , you can only get a little overtime pay or you can only expect the boss to give you a bonus at the end of the year. Then you will become more and more unmotivated and more and more tired.

The correct thinking way is you should concern what can you lean from this big bill, that so-called experience. eg. You know the big company’s internal audit standards, you broke through the bottleneck of your work efficiency, you have a more in-depth understanding of the correlation between leadership, colleagues, clients, etc. When this kind of accumulation reach the point of qualitative change, you will naturally encounter the new opportunity to open up a new sky for you.

This opportunity happened is well documented from my previous articles. When you keep yourself in the joy spirit environment, the good things will be attracted by your high frequency.

Therefore, it is absolutely an irresistible trend to use unary view on all things thinking

2、How do politicians follow the WAY to reach eternal state “not foster their own lives” ?

Politicians are not only deal with daily life and work in the standard of the saint of the Laozi said, but also do below three things:

a.Being honorable but not proud;

All politicians are elected by the masses.When you are proud of others, the people will no longer be close to you. Then you will be put on the shelf without knowing it, and when the people from the lower-class are completely disconnected with you, that’s when you fall.

b.High responsibility but not abuse;

One of the great things about politicians is that they have national power. When you begin to use your authority freely without any restraining, the sovereign who gives you power will hate you and this is the beginning of your downfall.

c.Salary is good but not coveted;

Be grateful for everything especially as a politician. Otherwise the bad things wil happen to you.

The history books recorded that a famous minister of the Chu, assisted the king of Chu in running the country. Before he died, he warned his son that the king would raise your town, and that you would not accept the town which others were fighting for. You had better ask for a border town, this town land is low-lying and barren. There is no competition, but you can make a living enough in this town. As expected, this town is handed over to the minister’s son for more than a dozen generations, but other town land is been repossessed in two generations after rewarding. The latter called it “not fighting for but gaining rich”

The politician who achieves these three points will naturally live to be loved by others and will live forever.

