怎么地道去说 “耍人,糊弄人”?

接着上期,今天继续学习Joanna为你精选的美剧英语口语 ~

美剧英语 | 怎么地道去说 “耍人,糊弄人”?

1. He's been offf the grid for over 20 years.


grid指“地图上的坐标方格”,be off the grid 字面意思是离开了地图上的坐标方格,连地图上的坐标都找不到,翻译过来就是“消失,没有任何踪影”

This mysterious group was off the grid suddenly. 这个神秘的组织突然就消失了。

之前的文章第二条有类似的短语,形容红魔“彻底地消失” - disappear from the face of the earth 可对比参考

美剧英语 | 怎么地道去说 “耍人,糊弄人”?

2. An informant who's dicking us around.


informant来自动词inform"告知,通知",inform后面加ant变成informant 指“通知者,提供消息者”

a) a person who supplies information

b) someone who sees an event and reports what happened

The journalist did not want to reveal the identity of his informant. 那个新闻工作者不想透露消息提供人的身分。

还有另一个意思相近以er结尾的informer, 特指与警方合作的告密者,线人,

An informer is a person who tells the police that someone has done something illegal.

The police provided a safe house for the informer. 警方给线人提供了一个安全屋。

One of the gang members had turned informer. 团伙中的一员后来变成了告密者。耍

dick 非正式用语,一知半解地摆弄;瞎弄,乱弄。dick sb around (略带粗俗意味)糊弄,耍

美剧英语 | 怎么地道去说 “耍人,糊弄人”?

3. Screw with me, and i walk.


另一种方式说“耍,糊弄". screw基本意思是”螺丝钉,扭转“,这里是美式俚语指占便宜,欺骗

Don't screw with me or you'll be dead. 别耍我不然你死定了。

美剧英语 | 怎么地道去说 “耍人,糊弄人”?

4. We've ruled out terrorism.


rule我们用得最多的是“规则,条例,控制”,它也可以活用为动词,跟副词out连用,rule out把…排除在外, 认为…不适合”, 相当于exclude

At this stage we cannot entirely rule out the possibility of staff cuts.


美剧英语 | 怎么地道去说 “耍人,糊弄人”?

5. The pattern will emerge.



Follow the top salemen, you see their pattern will emerge. (销售技巧)

Check his history and you know the pattern will emerge.(做事方式)

You can tell how she is after her pattern emerges. (言行举止)

