




Robots used to help fight COVID-19


<code>if     use     but     face     small     catch     patient     outside     important     temperature/<code>

China has spent decades (数十年) developing its tech industry. Now, 1. ______ with a public health crisis, China is pushing its tech companies to join the fight against the novel coronavirus. Some tech giants have responded to the outbreak by developing some 2. ______ pieces of equipment. Let’s check some out.

Self-driving robots

Chinese e-commerce giant JD.com (JD) recently has used self-driving robots to bring things to medical workers in Wuhan. The robots, which look much like 3. ______ vehicles, have been moving packages to a hospital that mainly treats COVID-19 4. ______ . The route is not too long — about 600 meters to the hospital — 5. ______ avoiding human-to-human contact has helped protect people.

Flying robots

Flying robots, also known as drones, have also been put to use during the outbreak. The technology allows governments to scan (仔细检查) large crowds and pick out 6. ______ someone’s in need of medical attention. Besides, drones have been used to check whether people are traveling 7. ______ without wearing face masks.

● 5G-powered patrolling robots (巡逻机器人)

Over in Guangzhou, 5G-powered patrolling robots remind the public of the 8. ______ of frequent hand-washing and wearing masks. The robots are also equipped with high-resolution cameras and infrared thermometers (红外线温度计) that are capable of scanning the body 9. ______ of 10 people once.

All of those high-tech products do help our government reduce the number of people put at risk of 10. ______ the virus.



1. faced

2. useful

3. small

4. patients

5. but

6. if

7. outside

8. importance

9. temperatures

10. catching