Our Vision 我们的愿景

We have all been enlightened at some points in our lives and tried to make a difference in our directions. Do we remember the moments? Are we following? Our Chinese name means “a new start following our hearts”. Whether you are too busy in your lives, forget the self commitments, or wanting to pursue something true to your hearts, we hope you can find the re-enlightening moments here.

我们都在人生的某些时点得到启发,并试图改变我们的方向。 我们还记得那些时刻并继续前行吗? 我们的中文名字的意思是“从心出发,找到新启(起)点”。 无论您是因为忙碌的生活忘记初衷,还是想探求自己内心深处,我们都希望您能在这里重新找到令人振奋的时刻。