
顾景舟(1915-1996)原名景洲,早年别称瘦萍、武陵逸人、壶叟,宜兴川埠上袁村人。少时就读于蜀山东坡书院。聪慧出众,常得书院导长的褒扬。1933年,他18岁,在家继承祖业,随祖母邵氏制坯,亦承袭家中制壶客师储铭的技艺,凭借文学功底,放出手不凡,一举成名,跻身壶艺名家行列。Gu Jingzhou (1915-1996), formerly known as Jingzhou, was also known as thin Ping, Wuling Yiren and husou in the early years. He was a native of Yuan village in Yixing. When I was young, I studied in Shushan Dongpo Academy. He is intelligent and outstanding, and is often praised by the college director. In 1933, at the age of 18, he inherited his ancestral career at home, followed his grandmother Shao's skills in making green bricks, and also inherited the skills of Chu Ming, the maker of pots at home. With his literary skills, he became famous and became one of the famous pot artists.

1939年,古董商人郎玉书请他到上海从事仿古陶瓷制作仿制历代名作,有机会看到明清两代紫砂名家器物。在临摹和仿制中,技艺突飞猛进,圆形、方形以及花货类、陶刻等都有涉及。这段时光大约三年多,即顾景舟23岁至27岁之间,使他的技艺趋向精湛和系统。In 1939, Lang Yushu, an antique businessman, invited him to Shanghai to make antique ceramics and imitated masterpieces of past dynasties. He had a chance to see the purple sand masterpieces of Ming and Qing Dynasties. In the process of copying and imitation, the technique has made rapid progress, including circle, square, flower goods and pottery carving. This period of time is more than three years, that is, Gu Jingzhou is between 23 and 27 years old, which makes his skills tend to be exquisite and systematic.


Gu Jingzhou has been making pots for more than 60 years. He has followed the masters of Ming Dynasty, Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China with his heart. Every piece of pot must be carefully constructed and made into a magnificent chapter. He has formed a vigorous and rigorous artistic style, which is smooth and regular, simple and elegant, exquisite and beautiful. He is known as a master of pot art and a great master of pot art. He regarded Zisha as his life, connecting the past and the future, melting the past and casting the present. He changed the delicate and complicated atmosphere of Zisha pot since the beginning of Qing Dynasty, pursued the smooth stretch of the pot body lines, balanced the coordination and beauty of the proportion, and paid attention to the simplicity and generosity of the shape. In the 1940s, he had the reputation of "the inch pot is as expensive as the rice".












Exquisite and outstanding works of Gu Jingzhou's red clay pot

(1) the sand in the purple clay pot of gujingzhou is fine and moist, and the fineness of the raw materials is not comparable to that of ordinary makers.

(2) his purple clay pot is steady, vigorous and dignified, with smooth lines. It can be described as "painting the delicate and complicated style of a generation", simple and elegant.

(3) the production process is exquisite, the texture of the purple sand material should be complied with, and the clay sheet surrounding the body of the pot should be all hand-made for personal creation. Each purple sand pot is a unique work of art.

2. Mr. Gu Jingzhou's historical position and influence in the field of Arts and crafts

Gu Lao's "Introduction to the history of Zisha pottery", "Yixing Zisha treasure" and other masterpieces, as well as his more than 100000 words of papers on Zisha ceramics published successively, are testimony to his outstanding contribution to the development of modern Zisha career theory.

(2) Gu Lao has participated in the excavation and research of ancient kilns in Yixing area for many times, and has held many ceramic art lectures. He has also identified and dated hundreds of purple sand collections, raising the art of purple sand from commercial publicity to the cultural level of art works. (3) many modern famous pot makers, such as Xu Hantang, Zhou Guizhen, Li Changhong, etc., are all the disciples of Mr. Gu Jingzhou, which shows that they have a leading position and influence in the modern history of Zisha.

In addition to the above two main factors, there are also the following points, which are also important reasons for the market value of Gu Jingzhou Zisha pot.

(1) Gulao made purple clay pot, especially the quality. All unsatisfied works were destroyed, sometimes only a batch of pots were made for several years. A complete set of works is even more rare, mostly customized works.

(2) Master Gu Jingzhou's fine Zisha pots are not much in stock at present, especially the works between the cultural revolution and the 1990s, which are rare in quantity, fine in materials and workmanship, and have a unique historical and cultural background, so the price is particularly high.

此款顾景舟具有鲜明的时代特征。此壶色泽亮丽醒目,器型舒展大方。此壶流、把与壶体上肩线连成一线,整体线面明畅,修饰考究,一气呵成,是顾氏砂壶早期创作中一件不行多得的佳作。汉君壶此壶选取墨绿泥为质料,具有鲜明的时代特征。此壶色泽亮丽醒目,器型舒展大方。此壶流、把与壶体上肩线连成一线,整体线面明畅,修饰考究,一气呵成,是顾氏砂壶早期创作中一件不行多得的佳作。This Gu Jingzhou has distinctive characteristics of the times. The color of the pot is bright and eye-catching, and the shape of the pot is easy to stretch. The flow of the pot, connecting it with the upper shoulder line of the pot body, makes the whole line clear and elegant. It is a masterpiece of Gu's early creation. Hanjun pot this pot selects the black green mud as the material, has the distinct time characteristic. The color of the pot is bright and eye-catching, and the shape of the pot is easy to stretch. The flow of the pot, connecting it with the upper shoulder line of the pot body, makes the whole line clear and elegant. It is a masterpiece of Gu's early creation.

此壶现藏北京国枰拍卖有限公司。This pot is now stored in Beijing Guoliang Auction Co., Ltd.郑重提示:








