

寻芳楼 Xunfang Tower






I’ve been living in Wuhu for nearly half of my life, so I used to think I’d known everything here and would not be attracted by any scenic spot in the city. When Jiuzi Ancient Town was built in ruins of an ancient Wuhu town in 2016, I thought it was no more than another artificial pseudo-classic architectural complex. But then I’ve found it’s different.

古镇美 Beautiful ancient town



Jiuzi Ancient Town is in the northeast of Wuhu and by Biandan River, a river connecting the Yangtze River and Qingyi River. Along the river is Wanchun Dyke, which was constructed in the Northern Song dynasty and named by the emperor then. This old dyke was used for flood control in the past, and is still protecting Wuhu people today.

中江书院 Zhongjiang Ancient Academy


Jiuzi, literally meaning a flock of turtledoves, was the ancient name of Wuhu. It was named so because Wuhu was beside a lake with shallow waters full of algae and fishes that attracted a lot of turtledoves.In the ruins was built Jiuzi Ancient Town. It features picturesque architecture, waterside scenery, and more than ten scenic spots with typical characteristics of South Anhui, such as Guru Chamber (a chamber in memory of Anhui Merchants’spirit), Hanging Theatrical Stage, Post Office of the Republic of China, the former residence of the descendant of Li Hongzhang (a renowned politician in the late Qing dynasty), and Liyuan Chamber. Here you can experience the leisurely life of Anhui’s countryside in the old days.

好戏连台 Traditional Chinese opera



The most popular activities are playing the Chinese Poetry Competition game in traditional Han clothing, experiencing Chinese incense culture, and visiting the old shops or Dajiang Traditional Chinese Escort Agency.

In spring, it is often rainy and misty in South China. When you wander on the stone road of the ancient town while listening to the drip of raindrops from the roof, it seems as if time stopped.

打铁花 While the iron is hot to spend


Believe me, once you come, you will fall in love with this charming town.




文字:风儿 刘润宇



