
1.scenery n. 景色;風景

Sometimes they just drive slowly down the lane enjoying the scenery.


2. surround vt. &vi. 包圍;圍繞

Jill was sitting on the floor surrounded by boxes.



(1)be surrounded by/with... 周圍環繞著……;被……包圍

surround oneself with 和……在一起;與……為伍

(2)surrounding adj. (作定語)周圍的;附近的

surroundings n. 周圍的事物(或情況);環境

3. measure vi. &vt. 測量;衡量;判定 n. 計量制;計量單位;措施

The government has taken measures to help the unemployed to find jobs again.



take measures to do sth 採取措施做某事

take one's measure 量某人的尺寸

to one's measure 按照某人的尺寸

4.aboard prep.&adv. 在船、飛機、火車或公共汽車上

All the passengers have gone aboard the plane.


The man with broad shoulders boarded the plane to travel abroad and he only took daily necessaries aboard.



go aboard 上船/飛機/火車

5.within prep. 在……之內

Do what's within your power!



within one's reach 觸手可及

within one's power 力所能及

within the limit of 在……範圍內

6. mix vt.&vi. 混合;調配

I always mix him up with his brother.They look so much alike.



(1)mix...with... 把……與……混合起來

mix up 弄亂;弄錯;使……充分混合

be/get mixed up with... 與……交往;與……廝混

(2)mixed adj. 混合的

mixture n. 混合(物);混合狀態

7. confirm vt. 證實;證明;批准

It has been confirmed that the singer will give a performance next week.



confirm sb in sth 使某人確信某事

confirm sth/that... 證實;進一步確定……

It has been confirmed that... 已經確定……

8.terrify vt. 使恐怖;恐嚇

The dog rushing out from the house terrified me.



(1)terrify sb into doing sth 威脅某人幹某事

be terrified of 害怕

(2)terrifying adj. 可怕的;令人恐怖的

terrified adj. 恐懼的;受驚嚇的

9.pleased adj. 欣喜的;高興的;愉快的

We are very pleased with her decision.




10. impress vt. 使印象深刻;使銘記

We were deeply impressed with the beauty of the West Lake.



(1)impress sb with sth = impress sth on sb 給某人留下……印象

be impressed by/at/with sth 對……印象深刻

be impressed on sb/one's mind/memory 使某人印象深刻

(2)impression n. 印象

impressive adj. 給人深刻印象的;感人的

Ⅱ. 高頻短語必會

1. settle down 定居;平靜下來;專心於

I must settle down this morning and finish the term paper.



settle down to (doing) sth 開始認真對待某事物;定下心來做某事

2. manage to do 設法做

He managed to get a few tickets for the Olympic Games.


3. catch sight of 看見;瞥見

Catching sight of his headteacher,the boy ran away.



lose sight of 看不見,消失

out of sight 看不見

within/in sight 在視野內,看得見

4. have a gift for 對……有天賦

He has a gift for painting.



be gifted in/at 在……方面有天賦

have a talent/genius for 有……稟賦;有……方面的才能

5. in the distance 在遠處

We heard gunfire in the distance.



from/at a distance 隔一段距離;從遠處

at a distance of... 在……遠處

keep sb at a distance 避免與某人太親近

6.as far as 遠到……;就……而言

After dinner we often walk as far as the bank of the river.



as far as I know 據我所知

as far as I can remember/see/tell... 據我所能記得的/看到的/判斷……

as far as I am concerned 就我而言