特朗普“撤资”世卫引众怒 全球新冠肺炎确诊破200万






U.S. President Donald Trump has instructed his administration to halt funding to the World Health Organization (WHO) over its handling of the coronavirus pandemic while a review of its response to the global crisis is undertaken.

Trump, at a White House news conference on Tuesday, said the WHO had "failed in its basic duty and it must be held accountable."




U.S. President Donald Trump speaks during the daily briefing on the novel coronavirus in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, D.C., April 14, 2020. /AFP

Calling the UN body "China-centric," Trump said the WHO had promoted China's "disinformation" about the virus and claimed that likely led to a wider outbreak than otherwise would have occurred.

He also accused the WHO of "severely mismanaging and covering up" the crisis, saying the U.S. "has a duty to insist on full accountability."

The WHO had used "America's generosity," Trump argued, adding that his government will conduct a "very thorough investigation" over the next 60-90 days and review any mistakes the organization has made.

U.S. contributions to WHO in 2019 exceeded 400 million U.S. dollars, according to figures from the U.S. State Department.




Foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian told reporters during a daily briefing that the situation with the pandemic, which has infected nearly 2 million people globally, was at a critical stage and that the U.S.' decision would affect all countries of the world, especially the weak countries.

Zhao urged the U.S. to fulfill its obligation and support the WHO's leading role in promoting world cooperation. He stressed that China will continue to support the WHO and play its role in promoting global health and fighting the pandemic.


United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on Tuesday it was "not the time" to reduce resources for the World Health Organization after President Donald Trump halted U.S. funding over the body's handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

Guterres said in a statement it was "not the time to reduce the resources for the operations of the World Health Organization or any other humanitarian organization in the fight against the virus."


Tuesday's announcement drew immediate condemnation. American Medical Association President Dr. Patrice Harris called it "a dangerous step in the wrong direction that will not make defeating COVID-19 easier" and urged Trump to reconsider.


The attack on the W.H.O., which was founded after World War II as part of the United Nations “to promote and protect the health of all peoples,” was the latest example of the president’s attempt to shift the blame throughout the crisis.


On Jan. 24, about a month after the virus was discovered there, Mr. Trump tweeted: “China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency.”



But the president, who has quit the U.N. Human Rights Council, the U.N. cultural agency UNESCO and a global accord to tackle climate change, said the U.S. would continue to engage with the organization.