


This is AP News Minute.

Anti-corruption protests in Iraq have killed more than 320 people in the past two months. The U.S. wants Iraq to show restraint. Vice president Mike Pence spoke by phone to Iraq's prime minister Saturday while visiting US troops in the region.

Pope Francis is in Japan for the first papal visit in decades. Francis will travel Sunday to Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The Pope wants to pay tribute to the victims of the atomic bombings and meet with survivors.

Roads in parts of Italy remained flooded Saturday after a week of heavy rain. Authorities are warning the public to be on alert for the possibility of more rain over the weekend.

Egypt has unveiled details of recently discovered animal mummies. Five lion cubs, several cats, birds and crocodiles are part of the new exhibit in Cairo.


1.This is AP News Minute.


2.Anti-corruption(/ˈænti/,反对的,这里播音员读的是/ˈæntai/;corruption发音/kəˈrʌpʃn/,贪污、腐败) protests(/prəˈtɛst,protɛst/,抗议、反对) in Iraq(/ɪ'ræk/,伊拉克) have killed more than 320 people in the past two months. The U.S. wants Iraq to show restraint(/rɪˈstreɪnt/,抑制、克制、约束). Vice(/vaɪs/,副的) president(/ˈprezɪdənt/,注意发音是zi,不是si,vice president 副总统) Mike Pence spoke by phone(词组,通过电话、打电话) to Iraq's prime(/praɪm/,主要的、最好的) minister(/ˈmɪnɪstər/,部长、大臣,prime minister 首相、总理) Saturday while visiting US troops(/truːp/,军队) in the region(/ˈriːdʒən/,地区、范围).


3.Pope(/poʊp/,罗马教皇) Francis is in Japan for the first papal(/ˈpeɪpl/,教宗的、罗马教皇的、教皇制度的) visit in decades(/ˈdekeɪd,dɪˈkeɪd/,十年;in decades 几十年来). Francis will travel Sunday to Nagasaki(/'nɑ:ɡɑ:'sɑ:ki:/,日本长崎) and Hiroshima(/,hi:rəu'ʃi:mə; 'hirɔʃimə/,日本广岛). The Pope wants to pay tribute to(/ˈtrɪbjuːt/,致敬,悼念;词组pay tribute to 表示敬意) the victims(/ˈvɪktɪm/,受害人、牺牲人) of the atomic(atomic,原子的) bombings(/ˈbɑːmɪŋ/,轰炸、投弹) and meet with survivors(/sərˈvaɪvər/,幸存者、生还者).


4.Roads in parts of Italy remained(/rɪˈmeɪn/,保持、依然、留下、剩下) flooded(/ˈflʌdɪd/,被水淹没的) Saturday after a week of heavy rain(注意暴雨是heavy rain). Authorities(/əˈθɔːrəti/,权威、当局) are warning(/wɔːrn/,警告) the public to be on alert(/əˈlɜːrt/,形容词“警觉的”,动词“警惕”,名词“警惕”;词组on alert 警戒状态) for the possibility(/ˌpɑːsəˈbɪləti/,可能性) of more rain over(遍及、在...期间) the weekend.


5.Egypt(/ˈiːdʒɪpt/,埃及) has unveiled(/ˌʌnˈveɪl/,使公之于众、揭开、揭幕) details(/ˈdiːteɪl,dɪˈteɪl/,细节) of recently discovered(/dɪ'skʌvɚd/,被发现的) animal mummies(/ˈmʌmi/,这里是木乃伊的意思). Five lion cubs(/kʌb/,幼兽、不懂规矩的年轻人), several cats, birds and crocodiles(/ˈkrɑːkədaɪl/,鳄鱼) are part of the new exhibit(/ɪɡˈzɪbɪt/,注意这里发音是i,不是e) in(注意exhibit和in的连读听起来像动词ing) Cairo(/'kaiərəu/,埃及首都开罗).


