每日一句:It's another story. 准确意思是什么?超级实用 收藏

It's another story. 准确意思等于It's totally different. 是完全不一样的意思。


I can help you with your work, but if you ask me to do it for you ,it's another story.



It's a long story.说来话长。

Let's cut a long story short.让我们长话短说。

It was many years before the full story was made public. 许多年之后,事情的全貌才公之于众。

She knew the child had been telling stories again. 她知道这孩子又在说谎了。

He kept on trying but it was the same old story-----no luck.他一直在努力,但还是老样子,运气不佳。

The story goes that he's fallen out with his friends. 据说他和他的朋友们闹翻了。
