K-Fashion Presented by HISEOUL SHOWROOM

Holy Number 7

HOLY NUMBER 7是由设计师夫妇崔景镐和宋贤姬创办的时装品牌。崔景镐是一名男装模特,宋贤姬在推出自己的品牌之前是名女装设计师。

HOLY NUMBER 7 was found by duo designer and couple. Kyoungho Choi and Hyunheui Song Choi was a menswear MD and Song was a womenswear designer before they Launched their own brand.


HOLY NUMBER 7的独特之处在于色彩方案和非凡新鲜的华丽街头时尚外观。

These days, people are heavily concentrated on outer looks and the media, which the duo designers feel great pity and sympathy towards to. So their motto is you are beautiful the way you are ".

Their unique features are their color scheme and dandy street fashion styled in extraordinary and fresh looks.

通过表达消防队员不畏艰难困苦、在灾难现场牺牲的生命之美和正能量, Holy Number 7的2020秋冬系列对消防服的细节、概念、安全环和防火带进行了全新诠释。

By expressing the beauty and positive energy of life sacrificed by firefighters who run to disastrous sites despite difficult and poor conditions,

Holy Number 7's 2020 F/W collection is a reinterpretation of firefighter suit's details, concepts, safety rings, and anti-inflammatory reflective tapes.


Holy Number 7让我们重新思索,意识到我们是被别人的热血,汗水和牺牲所保护而安全地生活下去。

This collection was prepared with high hopes that we can become a society that helps, shares and give strength to each other;

Holy Number 7 create an opportunity for us to reconsider and appreciate ordinary daily life protected by someone's blood, sweat and sacrifice.



KYIMER is a brand of Unisexware designers launched in June 2017.Glamcore is motivated by intense color and a variety of materials to express freedom that is not limited to any frame.

Every season, "KYIMER" showcases items with retro mood design and multifunction / transformationable design, emphasizing the uniqueness of the brand.




‘Gender Neutral'not by one standard, but by one's own. under the theme of it captures the pursuit of their own beauty beyond gender, age and racial discrimination.

Studio Seong是来自首尔的时尚品牌, Slogan:新派时尚。品牌融合了传统剪裁的经典和街头服饰的风格,运用超越传统的图案细节、大胆独特的配色方案,基于大众熟悉的剪裁,却使每一件单品均有其独到之处。

“新派时尚”一词来源于极限单车领域,代表着Studio Seong的灵感来源:极限单车特技和韩国流行文化。。

Studio Seong is a Seoul-based fashion label. Inspired by BMX freestyle and Korean pop culture, Studio Seong mixes traditional silhouettes and streetwear styles together under the slogan : New-school Fashion.

It is borrowed from the word for classifying BMX freestyle’s eras. It’s for defining Studio Seong’s style inspired by both Streetwear and Classic styles.


*Main Target : 30s // Sub Target : mid-20s from to mid-40s

目前,Studio Seong有首尔Boy Plus和迪拜B-Hype两个主要门店。

Key Stockists: Boy Plus, Seoul, South Korea; B-Hype, Dubai, UAE

由首尔市、首尔产业振兴院(SBA)和HISEOUL SHOWROOM联合创建的韩流时装行业新流通平台 HISEOUL SHOWROOM,以振兴首尔市时装产业和东大门时装市场,帮助有前途的设计师开拓市场为己任。

HISEOUL SHOWROOM is a brand-new platform for Hallyu fashion co-organized by Seoul Metropolitan Government, Seoul Business Agency, and HISEOUL SHOWROOM to foster Seoul’s fashion industry, to promote Dongdaemun fashion district, and to provide new market for promising designers.

从时装企划到设计开发、产品生产、产品展览、产品匹配、产品销售、产品洽谈、提供新产品信息、产品订货、销售结算等,作为帮助买手实现最大业务效率的系统,HISEOUL SHOWROOM为韩国有前途的设计师、时装中小企业扩大销售渠道提供了实质性帮助。

Our system provides the optimal business environment: from planning to design, production, exhibition, matching, sales, consulting, information on new products, obtaining and signing of contracts, we practically assist promising designers and small to medium-sized fashion enterprises in the actual sales process.

HISEOUL SHOWROOM还在中国、东南亚、欧美地区举办展览会或PT秀,在海外知名百货店开设快闪店等,积极开展挖掘当地营业点事业,推介和销售韩流设计师品牌。

在海外市场,HISEOUL SHOWROOM通过知名人士和意见领袖开展促销活动和SNS宣传活动,及通过当地网上平台开展O2O服务、特别促销活动等,为当地量身打造的营销活动,使得“韩国制造”时装获得更广范围的关注。

HISEOUL SHOWROOM is proactively developing local footholds abroad, by holding presentations in China, Southeast Asia, Europe, and the Americas, and opening pop-up stores in popular overseas department stores.

We maximize awareness for fashion “made in Korea” through customized marketing strategies such as promotion by famous celebrities and influencers, social media marketing, O2O service at local online platforms, and special events.