读名著学英语44 加冕礼马上就要举行,爱莎却越发担心

In her room upstairs in the castle, Elsa did not share the happiness that pulsed through the kingdom. She worried about controlling her powers, and hoped she could just get through the ceremony without anyone learning about her magic.


As a test, she slipped off her gloves and picked up a candlestick and a little jar from the table. She concentrated, holding both with her bare hands. “Be the good girl,” Elsa whispered to herself. “Make one wrong move and everyone will know …”She was nervous. As she stood there, ice formed on her palms and moved onto the objects, turning them to ice. She hurriedly dropped them and tugged her gloves back on, concealing her hands – and her icy magic.


注:“Be the good girl",有翻译著作译作“好好的”。译友们有没有好的建议?

“It’s only for today,” Elsa reminded herself. After that, the gates would be closed again and she could go back into hiding.
