
1. Everything must go.

2. 可爱的笑容

A lovely smile

3. I must hurry.

4. When he comes back,he will definitely asks me to take him together.

5. Mom, where are you going?

6. Our community is going to have a self-government meeting.

7. Say hello to the young lady at the cash register for me.

8. I want to go. I want to go.

9. I want to eat ice cream and go to the children's playground on the top floor.

10.Leave the cute son alone at home.

11. The last recorded special vedio of Action Kaman is exactly two hours.

12. Mom is a liar.

13.I want to throw toys everywhere.

14.Mom goes out without an umbrella.

15. It's raining now.

16. I'll pick her up.

17. I take an umbrella to pick my mother up.

18. I buy too many things to hold an umbrella.

19. Mum, I am here to pick you up.

20. Mommy, come here, you will get wet.




