"删除好友"的英语不是"delete”! 正确说法到底是什么?

取关follow是关注,所以unfollow就是取消关注。例句:She unfollowed Dylan after his romance was exposed to the public.迪伦的恋情曝光之后,她就取关了他。You can choose to unfollow him.你可以选择取关他。

删除好友unfriend表示“删除好友”,将某人从社交网站(如Facebook等)的‘好友’中删除。unfriend还曾当选为牛津词典2009年的年度词汇。Oxford defines "unfriend" a verb,thusly: "To remove someone as a 'friend' on a social networking site such as Facebook."牛津词典将「unfriend」这个动词定义为:在如「面书」等社交网站上,将某人的「朋友」身份删除。例句:Users were also more likely to unfriend close friends than casual acquaintances – suggesting that the intensity of any given relationship ismore likely to push it over the edge.用户也更倾向于与亲密的人解除好友关系而非普通朋友。这表明关系越亲密就越容易被解除好友关系。


例句:Blacklisting your ex-girlfriends or ex-boyfriends is definitely the optimal way to prove your love to your current girlfriend or boyfriend.拉黑你的前任绝对是给现任证明爱意的最佳方式。

屏蔽以及,与上面相比相对温和一些的“屏蔽”——block。例句:If you don't like him, block his moments then.如果你不喜欢他,那就屏蔽他的朋友圈。moments:朋友圈