


The picture wall next to my bed in my apartment looks like this—with my pictures, my star map, and my picture of Auspicious Stars on it. Every morning, when the first sunshine comes through the window to awaken me from my slumber, I would catch the first glimpse of the smiling Auspicious Stars, from whom I would gain the energy and strength of the day.



Looking at this handsome big boy's moving smile, I can't help but smile. You were born on November 6,1990, and the word "Kris Wu" has been a shining part of my life ever since. You came to Korea alone at 17 for dream, facing language barriers and the pressures of a testing system. Three years ago, I came to Europe to study, with no family, close friends in the country, and the time difference makes our contact more difficult.


A down-to-earth British face-he was Benedict Cumberbatch, born on July 19,1976. You are an outstanding actor, and your career has won numerous awards. Not only on the screen did you contribute to the excellent performance, but you are charming on stage. Before I went to Europe to study, the first problem I faced was language.

My English is not outstanding, which makes me in a state of self-doubt. In this case, my English teacher recommended Sherlock for me, and under your influence, I began to express myself in English, and my language scores improved as the series progressed. You brought it to me, my Auspicious Star!



Eason Chan, born on July 27,1974, is also on my Auspicious photo wall. We first meet by "ten years" , "since the arms can not stay, why not leave while enjoying the tears. " I was moved by the soft singing and for the song in the messy thoughts and endless bitterness.

Listening to the song when I broke up with my boyfriend, you seem to me gently tell your story, so two people in the same boat sigh with each other. You are my friend, my confidant, and you let me have the courage to talk when lonely.



You, too, Kim Jong-kook, are my Auspicious Star and your bright smile conveys joy through the photographs. You were born on April 25,1976, 24 years older than me, but the gravitational pull of Auspicious energy makes us soulmates we've never met, and destined friends.

As an entertainer, you are already a senior in South Korea, where there are new groups and new singers every day. In the face of the rapid renewal of the music circle, you chose the road of variety arts decisively and open a new flower for your entertainer's career. It also provides me with the belief that no matter what I choose, I should always be eager to learn and observe the current situ



I close my eyes and felt what Jordan Chan had given me. I lost in deep memories. Two years ago, when my father was ill in hospital, I was a sophomore in high school and my grades plummeted as I struggled to cope with the constant stream of negative emotions. It was one afternoon, and my mother and I were sitting on the couch, speechless. At this point, your mother shows me your son on the show, and suddenly she says, "He looks like your father. "

Indeed, you were born on July 8,1967, just like my father. You are strong, tough, and put all your love to the family. I burst into tears as I think my father must be like you who hope their children to be mature and responsible. I survived that difficult time, and now that my father has recovered, I'm becoming more and more of a steady and generous person.


I look at the pictures, my Auspicious Stars, and thank you for meeting me! You bring me good luck, watering my life flower! You watch me grow, and look at me along the way. In the future we will also accompany one another and spend our lifetime together!