
the spirit is willing (but the body/flesh is weak) 心里固然愿意(身体却很羸弱),心有余而力不足〔常为幽默用法〕

used when saying that you want to do something, but you are too tired or do not feel strong enough – often used humorously

Every year / I resolve to eat better↗/ and do more exercise. However, every year, the spirit is willing↗, but the body is weak. ↘


be in good/high spirits兴高采烈

= be excited and happy

Felix was still in high spirits↗/ after winning the race. ↘


raise/lift sb’s spirits 振奋某人的情绪

= make someone happier

I really like the weather here. ↘ The warm morning sun↗/ lifts our spirits. ↘
