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推介词: 菏泽牡丹





Who can be the protagonist when this wonderful spring comes only the peony that is proud of all flowers.”

Heze is the Peony Capital of China,Peony cultivation has a very long history, with the reputation of "Caozhou peony is the best in the world".During grain rain period,more than a thousand kinds of peonies are in full bloom,which can be seen everywhere inthe courtyard,streets,parks and fields colorful and brilliant.The red peony is delicate and charming,white peony is fresh and graceful purple peony is elegant,green peony stands for noble and the compound peony features attrative and captivating manner.When you come here,you will be fascinated by the refreshing fragrance of peony.

besides enjoying the beauty of them,you can also taste peony tea with fresh flavor,delicious peony dessert and splendid peony feast you can also buy peony essential oil, peony cosmetics and skin care products.Especially the culture and creative products themed peony they all enjoy various features,Such as the peony porcelain plate next to me,it is displayed and sold in the Forbidden City as a special cultural and creative product,and is well received by visitors and also some artworks about peony blossomspainted by Juye artists,have made great achievements in SCO Summit in Qingdao and CIIE in Shanghai in 2019.It can be said that peony culture has been deeply integrated into everyone's daily life.

I’m Chen Qiang,I recommend Heze peony.