
Hello, 前几天头条上面刷到陈铭老师的演讲《我来》很喜欢。演讲特别棒,很鼓舞,赞赞哒。


Part 1:

Count Me In

I’ve been asked, CHENMING, if you have 10 days, what will you do?

10 days?

10 days, i can finish a million word of novel, or able to organize a quality debate.

But in the spring of 2020, everyone of us had witnessed an incredible miracle:

An Infectious Disease Hospital which occupy 34,000 square meters and room in 1000 beds rise up from a deserted land in 10 days -- Huoshenshan Hospital.

10 days, as we all know, building an Infectious Disease Hospital with over 500 beds takes at least 2 years in globally , but for us ,it is only 10 days.

How difficult to build an Infectious Disease Hospital?

First of all, the issue of ventilation, the wards of an Infectious Disease Hospital must be a negative pressure wards. It is not like the general wards.

What's the negative pressure wards?

The air pressure of inside must be lower than the outside.

As we all know, air flows from a place with higher air pressure to the lower one, we call it --- wind.

But, for the negative pressure wards, the air pressure of outside is higher than inside, to make sure the fresh air can flow in while the polluted air can’t get out, but discharge through a special tunnel to the located place.

So, within 10 days, we need to build an Infectious Disease Hospital with the negative pressure fresh air systems wards instead of the ordinary mobile room.

Is it possible?

Another challenging---Labor

On the date of the project launched, it was Chinese New Year’s eve, the most important festival for the Chinese people.

Is it possible to recruit enough workers?

Wuhan is in quarantine, does the materials can be transport successfully to the site?

Even workers and materials have arrived, how to simultaneous the thousands of workers who have never met each other before.

How do coordinate and schedule the workers?

The foreign media commented that the construction of Huoshenshan is an epic project.

Why it is an epic?

Because, we are racing against the time. We must be precisely and seamlessly in every single piece of connection.

Thus,we can seize every second.
