"store" "hoard" "stock up" "conserve"表示“保存,储存”辨析

store=to put sth somewhere and keep it there to use later.把某物放在某处留着待用。

Animals store up food for the winter.动物储存食物过冬。

I'm going to store some canned food just in case we have a hurricane.-that would be perceived as prudent.我准备储存一些罐头食品,以防我们遇到飓风。——这会被认为是谨慎的。

hoard=to collect and keep large amounts of food, money, etc.,especially secretly.收集和保存大量的食物、钱等,尤指秘密地。

“Hoard” is almost the same as “store”, but to hoard has the connotation of storing in excess, and in an abnormal way... or at least in a way that might annoy others who dislike the behavior.“囤”与“存”几乎是一样的,但囤的内涵是超量储存,而且是以一种不正常的方式...或者至少在某种程度上会惹恼那些不喜欢这种行为的人。

They began to hoard food and toilet paper.他们开始囤积食物和卫厕纸。

“ He’s hoarding all of the water. Now nobody else has anything to drink!“他把所有的水都囤起来了。现在没人喝东西了!

stock up=to buy a lot of sth so that you can use it later.买很多东西以便日后使用。

We ought to stock up on film before our trip.我们应该在旅行前备足胶卷。

conserve=to protect sth and prevent it from being changed or destroyed.保护某物并防止其被改变或毁坏。

New laws to conserve wildlife in the area保护该地区野生动物的新法令。