每日一歌推介:Ed Sheeran

[ti:Beautiful People(feat. Khalid)]

[ar:Ed Sheeran/Khalid]

[al:Beautiful People (feat. Khalid)]



[00:00.00]Beautiful People (feat. Khalid) - Ed Sheeran (艾德·希兰)/Khalid

[00:01.49]Composed by:Ed Sheeran/Fred Gibson/Khalid Robinson/Max Martin/Shellback

[00:02.98]We are we are we are 我们是谁

[00:16.02]LA on a Saturday night in the summer 夏日炎炎 周六晚上的洛杉矶热闹非凡

[00:19.71]Sun down and they all come out 夜幕降临 大家走出门 享受大好时光

[00:22.23]Lamborghinis and their rented Hummers 开着兰博基尼和租来的悍马

[00:24.75]The party's on so they're heading downtown 聚会已经拉开帷幕 他们向着市区出发

[00:27.51]Everybody's looking for a come up 每个人都竭尽全力地跻身上流社会

[00:30.04]And they wanna know what you're about 他们对你充满好奇

[00:32.45]Me in the middle with the one I love and 我和爱人站在熙熙攘攘的人群中

[00:35.21]We're just trying to figure everything out 我们想看清真相

[00:37.21]We don't fit in well 但我们格格不入

[00:39.65]Coz we are just ourselves 我们只想做自己

[00:42.51]I could use some help 我急需帮助

[00:44.85]Getting out of this conversation here 想结束这场对话

[00:47.49]You look stunning dear 亲爱的 你的容貌震惊四座

[00:49.95]So don't ask that question here 别着急质问我

[00:52.59]This is my only fear 我只是害怕

[00:55.10]That we become 我们会变成

[00:56.83]Beautiful people 外表光鲜的名流 金玉其中实则败絮其中

[00:58.08]Drop top designer clothes 豪车云集 名牌衣服让人眼花缭乱

[01:00.56]Front row at fashion shows 坐在前排观看时装秀

[01:02.92]What do you do and who do you know 寒暄几句 你从事什么工作 你认识哪些达官显贵

[01:05.71]Inside the world of beautiful people 置身于上流社会的社交场合

[01:08.25]Champagne and rolled up notes 纸醉金迷的生活

[01:10.68]Prenups and broken homes 签下婚前协议 保证自己婚姻破裂时的权益

[01:13.23]Surrounded but still alone 身边有很多朋友 可依然感到孤寂寂寞

[01:16.06]Let's leave the party 让我们离开这场聚会

[01:17.53]That's not who we are 这不是我们的本来面目

[01:20.44]We are we are we are 我们是谁

[01:22.41]We are not beautiful 我们只是普通人

[01:27.44]Yeah that's not who we are 这不是我们的本来面目

[01:30.74]We are we are we are 我们是谁

[01:32.68]We are not beautiful 我们只是普通人

[01:38.57]LA drove for hours last night and we made it nowhere 昨晚我长途跋涉 可我们哪儿也没去

[01:45.75]I see stars in your eyes when we're halfway there 半路上 我看见你炯炯有神的双眸 充满期待

[01:50.51]Now I'm not fazed by all the lights and flashing cameras 我不在害怕镁光灯和闪烁不停的相机

[01:56.10]Cause with my arms around you there's no need to care 有你陪着我 我毫不在意

[01:59.86]We don't fit in well 我们格格不入

[02:02.44]We are just ourselves 我们只想做自己

[02:04.88]I could use some help 我急需帮助

[02:07.45]Getting out of this conversation here 想结束这段对话

[02:10.18]You look stunning dear 亲爱的 你的容貌震惊四座

[02:12.40]So don't ask that question here 别着急质问我

[02:15.19]This is my only fear 我只是害怕

[02:17.61]That we become 我们会变成

[02:19.32]Beautiful people 外表光鲜的名流 金玉其中实则败絮其中

[02:20.61]Drop top designer clothes 豪车云集 名牌衣服让人眼花缭乱

[02:23.13]Front row at fashion shows 坐在前排观看时装秀

[02:25.49]What do you do and who do you know 寒暄几句 你从事什么工作 你认识哪些达官显贵

[02:28.28]Inside the world of beautiful people 置身于上流社会的社交场合

[02:30.85]Champagne and rolled up notes 纸醉金迷的生活

[02:33.45]Prenups and broken homes 签下婚前协议 保证自己婚姻破裂时的权益

[02:35.86]Surrounded but still alone 身边有很多朋友 可依然感到孤寂寂寞

[02:38.67]Let's leave the party 让我们离开这场聚会

[02:40.06]That's not who we are 这不是我们的本来面目

[02:42.82]We are we are we are 我们是谁

[02:44.76]We are not beautiful 我们只是普通人

[02:50.05]Yeah that's not who we are 这不是我们的本来面目

[02:53.35]We are we are we are 我们是谁

[02:55.24]We are not beautiful 我们只是普通人

[03:03.62]We are we are we are 我们是谁

[03:05.66]We are not beautiful 我们只是普通人