【Foreign Style】 Italy

一、國家簡介/ Country Profile

1.歷史沿革/ Historical Evolution


The Italian capital, Rome, has been the center of Western civilization for centuries. Ancient Rome has gone through three phases of the Roman Empire, the Roman Republic, and the Roman Empire, it has existed for up to 1,000 years. In the 14th century, Italy became the birthplace of the European Renaissance. The rise of the Italian revival in the 19th century.

2.人口分佈/ Population Distribution


60.551 million (2017), ranking third in Europe. The population density is 193 people per square kilometer, but it is unevenly distributed from north to south, densely populated in the north, and sparsely populated in the south. Most residents are Catholic.

3.氣候特徵/ Climatic Conditions


Most of Italy has a subtropical Mediterranean climate, and the country is divided into the following three climate regions: the southern peninsula and island region, the Bataan region and the Alps.


The average temperature in the south in January is 2-10 ° C, and 23-26 ° C in July.


The Bataan Plain is hotter in summer and colder in winter. The average temperature in January is 2 to 4 ° C, and 20 to 24 ° C in July.


The Alps is the region with the lowest temperature in the country. The average temperature in winter is -12 ℃ ~ 1 ℃, 4-20 ℃in July.

4.地理位置/ Geolocation


Italy is located on the northern coast of the Mediterranean Sea in the south of Europe, in the north with the Alps as a barrier,bordered by France, Switzerland, Austria, and Slovenia. Spain, northern African countries, and the coastal countries of the Balkans are across the sea from the south.

二、風俗人情/ Custom Life

1.交通環境/ Traffic Environment


Italy is one of the highest car ownership countries in the world, with 62 cars for every 100 residents. Among the EU-27, Italy ranks second in terms of car ownership per capita.

2.經濟壞境/ Economic environment


Italy is the fourth largest economy in Europe, with a total economic volume of more than US $ 2 trillion and eighth in the world. It is a country with very strong economic strength, especially in the industrial field, such as robot manufacturing, robot systems for vehicle manufacturing , Is at the leading level in the world.


GDP: 441,754.900 million euros (2019).


GDP per capita: USD 34,48¬8.814 (2018).


Unemployment rate: 9.69% (2019).


National disposable income was 15,091 euros for car purchases, 15,428 euros in northern regions, 14,491 euros in central regions, and 14,087 euros in southern regions (2006). This shows that the purchasing power of Italy is diminishing from north to south.

3.風俗人情/ Local Customs

民族節日/ National Festival——佛羅倫薩五月音樂節


Florence, which is called "Filippo", actually derives its name from the word "Fiore" in Italian. Because of its natural conditions, flowers bloom here every spring, and Florence has a "city of flowers" Good reputation. In order to celebrate the blooming of flowers, in ancient times, Florence started on the first day of May each year, celebrating a full month of the "Spring Festival", like the "first month" in China. During this festival, all the bazaar merchants and craftsmen will stop working and appear in groups on the streets to celebrate the festival. The celebrations, combined with the long-standing local opera culture, have gradually become today's music festival.

而說到音樂節的創立,就不得不提到意大利指揮家維托里奧·古伊(Vittorio Gui)了。在參加完奧地利的薩爾茨堡藝術節後,維托里奧便受到啟迪,在1933年著手創建了佛羅倫薩五月音樂節。

When it comes to the establishment of the festival, it is necessary to mention the Italian conductor Vittorio Gui. After attending the Salzburg Festival in Austria, Vittorio was inspired, so he started the Florence May Festival in 1933.


Florence established its own orchestra before the festival. After the May Music Festival was officially established, the Florence Municipal Opera became not only a major shareholder of the May Music Festival Orchestra, but also a fund and organization of the Florence May Music Festival, thus realizing the music festival, opera house and orchestra. Trinity.

三、信息視野/ Information View

1.產業發展/ Industrial Development

19世紀中葉,第一臺內燃機在意大利的佛羅倫薩誕生,迅速推廣到歐洲各國,帶動其他技術在意大利、法國和德國的發展。19世紀末,第一臺實用型小轎車出世了,意大利都靈成為當時汽車工業的中心,不僅為意大利培養出眾多技術人才,而且吸引了無數管理組織人才來到這個 城市。二十世紀初,意大利出現菲亞特(1899年,阿涅利在都靈創建菲亞特汽車公司,菲亞特壟斷著意大利全國年總產量的90%以上的汽車生產量。)、藍旗亞、Aquilaltaliana公司,Junior公司,Rosselli公司,Gallia公司等等一大批生產企業。

In the middle of the 19th century, the first internal combustion engine was born in Florence, Italy, and quickly spread to European countries, driving the development of other technologies in Italy, France, and Germany. At the end of the 19th century, the first practical car was born, and Turin, Italy, became the center of the automobile industry at that time, not only cultivating a large number of technical talents for Italy, but also attracting countless management organization talents to this city. At the beginning of the twentieth century, Fiat (In 1899, Agnelli founded Fiat Motors in Turin, Fiat monopolized more than 90% of the country's total annual output of automobiles.), Lancia, Aquilaltaliana, Junior Companies, Rosselli, Gallia and many other production companies appeared in Italy.

20世紀末以後,意大利汽車工業經營每況愈下。2000年,菲亞特與美國通用汽車公司簽署合作協議。2009年 歐盟委員會批菲亞特汽車公司收購美國克萊斯勒汽車公司。

After the end of the 20th century, the operation of the Italian automotive industry has deteriorated. In 2000, Fiat signed a cooperation agreement with General Motors. In 2009, the European Commission approved the acquisition of American Chrysler by Fiat Motors.

2.行業狀況/ Industry Status


The product structure of the Italian automotive industry is mainly passenger cars and small trucks.


The Turin Automobile Industrial Park is one of the most important centers in the world's automotive industry.


The Italian automotive industry mainly caters to the domestic market, with only one large car manufacturer, the Fiat Group.

▪意大利汽車工業擁有法拉利、阿爾法·羅米歐、瑪莎拉蒂、 藍旗亞、蘭博基尼等蜚聲世界的汽車品牌,在跑車和賽車領域頗有建樹。

The Italian automobile industry has world-renowned car brands such as Ferrari, Alfa Romeo, Maserati, Lancia, Lamborghini, etc., and has made great achievements in sports cars and racing cars.

3.市場思考——為什麼超跑製造商都在意大利,但其一般民用車卻很差?/Market Thinking.



Italy is indeed rich in world-class sports cars. Modena, located on the west side of Bologna. Asia, is known as Italy's "engine capital" and is the headquarters of Italian luxury car brands such as Ferrari, Lamborghini and Maserati.

Of course, Italy is not without its own civilian car brands, such as Fiat is a well-known Italian car manufacturing company, one of the world's top ten car companies. However, in recent years, the general civilian car brands in Italy are indeed going downhill. For example, two in and two out in China, and two joint ventures with Chinese car companies before and after, all ended in defeat. Comparing the sales of Fiat, Toyota Corolla, and Volkswagen Golf, Fiat's presence is indeed very weak. Taking Fiat as an example to analyze Italian civilian cars, there are three main reasons:

(1)品牌定位/ Brand Positioning.


For a long time, Fiat's focus has been on small cars. The Fiat 500 alone has derived the Fiat 500X (small SUV), Fiat 500 convertible, Fiat 500wagon and so on. Now everyone's demand for models is very strong, such a brand positioning is obviously not suitable for the development of the times.

(2)對國際市場關注度不高/ Not paying much attention to the international market.


Italy has a romantic life and pursues a casual lifestyle. It does not pay much attention to the international market. Fiat did not actively adjust to the needs of the international market, which made it perform poorly in international brands, especially in the North American and Chinese markets.

(3)車型過少、質量表現不佳/ Too few models and poor quality performance.

雖然菲亞特被列為世界十大汽車公司之一,但掛有菲亞特車標的車型並不多,加之質量表現不佳(在Consume Reports和J.D power的質量排行中經常墊底),所以市場認可度一直沒有起來。

Although Fiat is listed as one of the top ten auto companies in the world, there are not many models with Fiat logos and poor quality performance (it is often the bottom in the quality ranking of Consume Reports and JD power), so the market recognition has not stand up.


In short, except for Ferrari, Lamborghini, Maserati and other supercars, which are well-known at home and abroad, other private car brands with lower prices are not common. Fiat is a people-friendly brand, but it has not helped Italy to gain a place in the general civilian car brand.