The Ass, the Fox and the Lion驴,狐狸和狮子

After deciding to become partners ,an ass and a fox went out into the country to hunt.On the way they met a lion, and realizing the danger ahead ,the fox went straight to the lion and whispered,"If you promise not to harm me ,I'll betray the ass, and you'll easily have him in your power."

The lion agreed,and the fox managed to the lead the ass into a trap.No sooner did the lion capture the ass than he quickly attacked the fox and kept the ass in reserve for his next meal.

Traitors must expect treachery.

deciding对…作出抉择; 决定; 选定; 裁决; 判决; 影响…的结果; decide的现在分词went out出去; 熄; 退职; 下台realizing理解; 领会; 认识到; 意识到; 实现; 将…变为现实; 发生,产生; realize的现在分词whispered耳语; 低语; 私语; 小声说; 私下说; 秘密告诉; 悄声暗示; 沙沙作响; 发飒飒声; whisper的过去分词和过去式betray出卖; 泄露; 辜负; 对…不忠; 背叛soonersoon 的比较级in reserve留出备用;保留;储存treachery背叛; 变节; 背信弃义


