

<code>1.Now, since this is TEDGlobal, who can tell me what this is called in French?
既然这是TEDGlobal大会, 我就来考考你们,这件乐器的法文名是什么?
2.I see you're all up on the history of hurdy-gurdy -- "vielle 角 roue."
我认为你们都应精通绞弦琴的历史。 法文名是“Vielle à roue”。
3.And in Spanish, "zanfona."
4.And in Italian, "ghironda," okay?
5.Hurdy-gurdy, or wheel fiddle.
6.So, these are the different kinds and shapes of the hurdy-gurdy.
7.The hurdy-gurdy is the only musical instrument that uses a crank to turn a wheel to rub strings, like the bow of a violin, to produce music.
仅有绞弦琴这种乐器 使用一种曲柄来操控木轮摩擦 琴弦来演奏歌曲, 功用与小提琴琴弓一样。
8.It has three different kinds of strings.
9.The first string is the drone string, which plays a continuous sound like the bagpipe.
第一种是低音琴弦, 是用来发出如同风笛一般的持续低音。
10.The second string is a melody string, which is played with a wooden keyboard tuned like a piano.
第二种则是调音弦, 它与木制琴键盒搭配奏出如钢琴般的乐声。
11.And the third string is pretty innovative.
12.It's also the only instrument that uses this kind of technique.
绞弦琴是现今唯一一种 使用此项技术的乐器。

13.It activates what's called the buzzing bridge, or the dog.
它可以启动响桥(buzzing bridge)或者叫做“dog”。
14.When I turn the crank and I apply pressure, it makes a sound like a barking dog.
当我转动曲柄时及施以压力时, 它就会发出一种如同狗吠般的声音,懂吗?
15.So all of this is pretty innovative, if you consider that the hurdy-gurdy appeared about a thousand years ago and it took two people to play it;
这些部分都别具匠心啊。 绞弦琴大约是在 千年以前就存在的乐器, 当时需要两人一同演奏绞弦琴,
16.one to turn the crank, and another person -- yes -- to play the melody by physically pulling up large wooden pegs.
一位转动曲柄, 另一位则拉动木制琴栓 以驾驭调音弦。
17.Luckily, all of this changed a couple of centuries later.
18.So, one person could actually play and almost -- this is pretty heavy -- carry the hurdy-gurdy.
因此一个人亦可以演奏绞弦琴了, 当然一个人也能搬动绞弦琴, 古早的绞弦琴是很重的。
19.The hurdy-gurdy has been used, historically, through the centuries in mostly dance music because of the uniqueness of the melody combined with the acoustic boombox here.
从音乐史角度来说,绞弦琴 一般是与舞蹈搭配起来, 这是由于绞弦琴独特的曲调而造成的, 当然还得和这个内置扬声器配合使用。
20.And today, the hurdy-gurdy is used in all sorts of music -- traditional folk music, dance, contemporary and world music -- in the U.K., in France, in Spain
于当今之世,绞弦琴是可用于各种类别的音乐, 如民俗音乐、 舞蹈配乐、当代音乐 及流行音乐, 而且它已响彻
21.and in Italy.
22.And this kind of hurdy-gurdy takes anywhere from three to five years [to order and receive it].
23.It's made by specialized luthiers, also in Europe.

三到五年方能制成, 这些匠人皆居于欧洲。
24.And it's very difficult to tune.
25.So without further ado, would you like to hear it?
26.(Audience: Yes.) Caroline Phillips: I didn't hear you. Would you like to hear it? (Audience: Yes!) CP: Okay.
(观众:想。) 卡罗琳·菲利普斯:我听不见,你们想不想?(观众:想!) 卡罗琳·菲利普斯:好!
27.There I go.
28.I'd like to sing in Basque, which is the language spoken in the Basque Country where I live, in the region in France and Spain.
我想用巴斯克语来吟唱, 因为那里是我所居住的地方, 那是一片位于法国和西班牙之间的区域。
29.(Music) [Basque] (Music) Thank you.
(音乐) [巴斯克语] (音乐) 谢谢。
30.(Applause) This is a song that I wrote based on traditional Basque rhythms.
(掌声) 这是我根据传统的巴斯克韵律 所谱写得一首曲子。
31.And this is a song that has a kind of a Celtic feel.
32.(Music) Thank you. Thank you.
(音乐) 谢谢。/<code>

