
​Healthy trees are important to us all. Trees provide shade, beauty, and homes for wildlife. Trees give us products like paper and wood. Trees can give us all these only if they are healthy. They must be well cared for to remain healthy.

Your trees’ trouble may be you yourself. People spend much time and money to plant and maintain trees. Trees improve the looks of homes, parks, business, and public buildings. Yet, people who love trees the most may be the ones who cause them injury. Of course, they do not do this on purpose. They are most likely not aware of the kinds of things that injure trees. There are many people-caused tree injuries. You should become aware of them and avoid them. Learn the things that can help to keep your trees healthy.

Healthy trees are beautiful. They make our world a pleasant place to live. Unhealthy trees are not as beautiful. They make our world less pleasant. Healthy trees help to cool and clean the air. They can even deaden sound. Unhealthy trees can not help or protect the environment. (81) Trees, like people, are disturbed by changes around them. Construction of building is a major cause of trees injuries.

32. According to the passage, only trees can give us shade and products.

A. beautifulB. healthyC. oldD. young

33. People who love trees may .

A. never cause trees injury

B. damage trees on purpose

C. do harm to trees without knowing it

D. not be aware of which trees are healthy

34. People may improve the looks of their homes and public buildings by .

A. keeping unhealthy trees injured

B. making a lot of changes around trees

C. cooling and cleaning the air around trees

D. planting trees and keeping them healthy

32. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage ?

A. Construction of buildings is good for trees.

B. Some trees’ trouble comes from human beings.

C. People should keep trees beautiful.

D. Trees are not disturbed by changes around them.

33. The purpose of the passage is to tell .

A. that people should know the importance of keeping trees healthy

B. that people should plant more trees

C. what trees can be used for construction of buildings

D. what kinds of trees look beautiful
