




接下来在Global Village的雅思考试全部取消了直到5月1日才会恢复



Conestoga College (all sites) - all testing suspended until 15 April 2020

Conestoga College Mississauga - all testing suspended until 15 April 2020

Conestoga College Markham - all testing suspended until 15 April 2020

Algonquin College (all sites) - all testing suspended until 5 April 2020

Centennial College (all sites) - all testing suspended until further notice

University of Toronto - Mississauga (all sites) - all testing suspended until 31 March 2020

Saskatchewan Polytechnic (all sites) - all testing suspended until 30 April 2020

CES Toronto (all sites) - all testing suspended until 31 March 2020

Columbia International College - Mohawk College - all testing suspended until 30 April 2020

Global Village Calgary - NorQuest College - all testing suspended until further notice

Heartland International - Balmoral Hall School - all testing suspended until 30 July 2020

Heartland International - Arts Forward - all testing suspended until 30 April 2020

Heartland International - Brandon University - all testing suspended until 30 April 2020

Heartland International - MITT - all testing suspended until 30 April 2020

British Oxford Consultants - all testing suspended until 5 April 2020

Brock University - all testing suspended until 1 June 2020

East Coast Language College - all testing suspended until further notice

ESLI at Trinity Western University - all testing suspended until 1 May 2020

Grant MacEwan University - all testing suspended until 1 June 2020

ILAC Vancouver - all testing suspended until further notice

Keystone International School - all testing suspended until 5 April 2020

Ontario Tech University - all testing suspended until further notice

Sheridan College - all testing suspended until 1 May 2020

Southern Ontario Collegiate - all testing suspended until 5 April 2020

The Language Gallery - all testing suspended until further notice

Westfield Education - all testing suspended until 5 April 2020

English testing Canada - all testing suspended until 17 April 2020

ILSC Montreal -all testing suspended until 21 March 2020

ILSC Toronto - all testing suspended until 21 March 2020

Concordia University - all testing suspended until 30 March 2020

Edmonton Nait - all testing suspended until 30 March 2020

Halifax St Mary Uni - all testing suspended until 17 April 2020

LaSalle College Vancouver - all testing suspended until 30 April 2020

Humber college (all sites) - all testing suspended until 18 April 2020

George Brown College (all sites) - all testing suspended until 4 April 2020

Coast English (all sites) - all paper-based is suspended until 11 April 2020, all computer-delivered testing is suspended until 1 April 2020

MOSAIC Engage Surrey - all testing suspended until 4 April 2020

Eurocentres Abbotsford, Coquitlam, New Westminster, Kelowna, Langley, Regine - all testing suspended until 21 March 2020

3、4月份 整整2个月的考试都取消这所有需要雅思成绩的考生都带来了前所未有的挑战



此外 对于急需雅思成绩提交申请学校的学生们来说这也是一记重磅考试时间推迟也就意味着拿到成绩的时间推迟


