Amazing China 跟着BBC每天学点翻译之水中之山(一)




In ancient times, Zhenjiang city, Jiangsu Province, in Eastern China, was called Jingkou. Located at the golden cross of the Yangtze River and the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, it is a place of strategic importance. The upper reaches of the Yangtze River deposit a lot of silt here, which has gradually built up into a small island in the river. There are three beautiful mountains here, namely, Jinshan Mountain, Beigu Mountain and Jiaoshan Mountain, which are closely connected with the Yangtze River and are called the Three Mountains in Jingkou.


in ancient times在古代

in Eastern China 中国东部的

be called 有。。之称,被称为,被叫作

be located at 坐落于。。,位于。。

the golden cross 黄金十字交叉点

the Yangtze River长江

the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal 京杭大运河

a place of strategic importance战略要地,“咽喉”之地

the upper reaches of the Yangtze River长江上游(下游the lower reaches)

namely 即

be closely connected with与。。有密切联系

the Three Mountains in Jingkou京口三山