





U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday branded the COVID-19 as "Chinese Virus" in a tweet, saying it has affected U.S. industries.

"The United States will be powerfully supporting those industries, like Airlines and others, that are particularly affected by the Chinese Virus. We will be stronger than ever before!" tweeted Trump.

Wall Street suffered its biggest drop since the crash of 1987 on Monday after unprecedented steps taken by the U.S. Federal Reserve, lawmakers and the White House to slow the spread and blunt the economic hit of the coronavirus failed to restore order to markets.

The S&P 500 tumbled by 12 percent, closing at its lowest level since December 2018. It was the third-largest daily percentage drop on record, beaten only by the 1987 "Black Monday" rout and the crash of October 1929.



Chinese senior diplomat Yang Jiechi on Monday voiced strong objections over Washington's "slander and smear of China's efforts" in containing the COVID-19, in a phone call with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

Yang, director of the Office of Foreign Affairs of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, told Pompeo that "any scheme to smear China is doomed to fail," and China will counter such moves with determination.

He also urged the U.S. to consider the common interests of people in both countries and work together to contain the outbreak.



The Chinese Foreign Ministry on Tuesday said U.S. President Donald Trump's "Chinese virus" tweet smears China, saying Beijing strongly opposes Trump's usage of the words.

Geng Shuang, a spokesperson for the ministry, made the remarks after President Trump branded the COVID-19 as "Chinese virus" in a tweet and claimed it has affected U.S. industries.

The World Health Organization and the international community are clearly against linking the virus to specific countries and regions, Geng said, adding they all oppose creating stigma.

The U.S. should first take care of its own matters, Geng said.


Though some Twitter users voiced support for Trump's comment, a majority of them expressed anger, saying labeling the pandemic a "Chinese Virus" is racist.


"Our Asian-American communities – people YOU serve – are already suffering. They don't need you fueling more bigotry," tweeted New York City mayor Bill de Blasio, whose state is one of the hardest-hit by the virus in the U.S.

Cool Quit创始人顾优静在回复里表达了自己对“种族主义”和“仇外心理”的担心:

"I've been deathly afraid of this exact moment where Trump turns to racism and xenophobia and calls COVID-19 the 'Chinese Virus.' We are in deep trouble as a nation now that President of the United States makes the conscious decision to go down this dark path of hate," tweeted Eugene Gu, founder and CEO of Cool Quit.


"Labeling the pandemic as the 'Chinese Virus' is racist, but it also certifies what matters to Trump and his party. Using cultural division to stir up voters who might otherwise oppose their plutocratic agenda, if the privilege of whiteness in America wasn't so damn intoxicating," said Jamil Smith, a senior writer at Rolling Stone.


"Disappointed to hear Trump calling COVID-19 the 'Chinese Virus'. I've faced racism by fellow classmates growing up and it affected me in a lot of bad ways. I fought myself to self-acceptance. To the kids affected by this, I stand with you. Stay forgiving, stay strong xx-J," said Jeffrey Chang from Canada.

"'Chinese virus'… The ignorance and hate you spread will bring nothing but destruction to a country that needs desperately to come together. Stay strong everyone :/," said Lauren Tsai.
