


情景模拟:买家下完单,但是缺货断货,可推荐其他产品或者同意退款,询问买家意见 。

Dear Valued Customer,

Thank you for your order. The item(s) you ordered is currently out of stock.However, you can select an item(s) of equal value to your order, or request a refund. Please let us know which you prefer. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.



情景模拟:买家所在的国家地址较偏远,不能包邮,建议买家补运费 。

Dear Valued Customer,

Thank you for your order. We are sorry that we cannot ship your item(s) via the free shipping method as the address you have provided is located in a remote area. In order for us to ship your item(s) to you as soon as possible, you will need to pay an extra $(付款金额), or you can request a full refund. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. Please let us know which you prefer. Thank you.




Dear Valued Customer,

Thank you for your order. We are sorry that we cannot ship your item(s)via DHL at this point. We can only ship your item(s) via E-packet (或者其他的货运方式)which usually takes 10-15 business days for delivery. Please let us know as soon as possible if we should proceed with the E-packet shipping method. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.

