

If love is all sad, let go of each other, muddle along.

我特别能忍,但是我一旦决定重新开始就真的翻篇了,不管多喜欢都不重要了。 ​​​​

I can bear it very much, but once I decide to start again, I really turn the page. No matter how much I like it, it doesn't matter. ​​​​


With a smile on his lips, he became a hero of others.


All my conceit comes from my inferiority, all my heroism comes from my inner weakness, all my words are full of doubts. I pretended to be ruthless, but in fact I hated my deep feelings. I think the meaning of life is to wander around, but in fact, I just cover up that I haven't found a place to stop.




She used to love me sincerely and naively

"And then why?"

"I left her for a while and suddenly thought of her when I turned around and found her growing up."

你是不是也在等一个, 熟悉的好友申请。

Are you also waiting for a familiar friend to apply.


The most beautiful place is hell, the most beautiful person is devil, the best soup is Mengpo soup, the most beautiful flower is the other shore flower, and the most terrible is People's hearts.


The reason why black is the purest color is that it can penetrate all colors, but all colors can't penetrate it.


It doesn't matter if you don't exist today, or tomorrow.

​【图片来源:日本画师Mayumi Konno】