
主持人:Congratulations on retaining your title! And congratulations on a truly epic performance!



翻譯:Thank you, everyone! (沒聽清)a long way to get here because of the coronavirus back in our country. Everybody knows that. And it was very serious. But we made it. The coronavirus is getting much better. I hope everyone we stick together; we come together; we fight together. We can win this coronavirus our country is suffering. (沒聽清)from a big... to right now. We’ll fight together. We’ll win it. We’re winning it.

主持人:This was an incredibly close fight. During the championship rounds, particularly the 4th and 5th round, did you think it was this close? What did you think the score was like? And when the fight was over, did you feel that you have dominated enough to win this decision?


: 其實我也不知道我能不能拿下,但是我拼盡全力去贏得比賽。然後可以贏得比賽我非常高興,我覺得在這個八角籠裡面,我覺得所有的人都值得尊重,我不希望在八角籠裡說垃圾話,我覺得在這個平臺上,我們都是武者,都需要互相尊重,我們需要給孩子們做一個好的榜樣,所以我覺得我們是冠軍,我們不是暴君。

翻譯:Just give me one second. Wow, I had a great... sorry. I’m just so excited. Sorry, sorry. 對不起我忘了,你再說一遍,對不起,我忘了。Sorry,I’m just so excited. My first time, uh, I just so ...

主持人:Getting together, bro?

翻譯:I’ll get that. I’ll get that. I wasn’t really sure that I got it. A great performance and we are all martial arts here. We don’t want any trash talk here within the octagon; with a mutual respect. And become world champions and world martial artists. We wanna set good example for the kids for the young upcoming talent. Look at me, we are the champions we are not the tyrants.

主持人:Congratulations on a truly truly epic fight! It was an honor to call you fight. Thank you!

:Thank you, everyone. Thank you! I’m hard study English. I want and my friends communication. Thank you everyone.

主持人:(沒聽清)..lic champion of the world!Ladies and gentlemen,Zhang Weili !

:Thank you. I want... I want to thank my fans for supporting me and my family and my team. Thank you!
