






0451-53642647, 13836168987





Notification on the Prevention and Control of Pneumonia Caused by the Novel Coronavirus in Heilongjiang Province

February 1, 2020

Friends of Non-Chinese Citizen in Heilongjiang:

The People’s Government of Heilongjiang Province declared the highest level of public health emergency on January 25, in response to the outbreak of pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). Epidemic prevention and control measures are being taken in an orderly manner. Hereby, we wish to bring the following matters to your special attention.

First, follow official information. Please follow closely the information published on the official website of the People’s Government of Heilongjiang Province (www.hlj.gov.cn), Heilongjiang News (www.hlj.gov.cn), Northeast Website (www.dbw.cn), the official website of the Health Commission of Heilongjiang Province (wsjkw.hlj.gov.cn) and on the news apps, Weibo and WeChat accounts of the above-mentioned websites.

Second, take precautions. Please cooperate with Heilongjiang governments at all levels in our prevention and control efforts, avoid going to crowded places or public gatherings, and wear medical masks (for surgical purposes) if the necessity of going arises. Stay at home and inform your community authority if you have visited seriously infected areas or had contact with those coming (or returning) from these areas to Heilongjiang.

Third, seek timely medical help. As of now, we have designated 130 dedicated municipal medical institutions (list attached below). Please seek prompt medical attention at fever clinics if you have symptoms of fever, cough, chest tightness, fatigue, etc.

Fourth, stay connected. If non-Chinese citizen visitors in Heilongjiang need related assistance during the pneumonia outbreak period, please call the Emergency Division of Epidemic Prevention and Control for Non-Chinese Citizen Visitors of the Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Heilongjiang Province at:


Fifth, daily and timely release of the latest information on the epidemics for your reference.

Heilongjiang is our common home. Let’s join hands for the prevention and control of the viral pneumonia and safeguard the health of all Chinese and non-Chinese citizens in Heilongjiang.

Foreign Affairs Office

The People’s Government of

Heilongjiang Province