這幾天怎麼了,老是不順What happened?something wrong in mind


I do not know what happened on me ? i feel no good in my mind and mood.i really do not know how about me .something is not going well,but i am confused by that had happened ,so i just take a small/tiny case/sample to dissect/analyse this case,hope/wish to find/retrieve the answer/solution/resolution/response/explnation ,and also expect you help /assist me to dissect/analyse its reason/cause ,which stage/step is wrong ,so following ,let me state this case.


Approcimately ,it is October last year,company decide to combine/integrate/unify two maintainance teams into one big team. after that,as personal phone card of company is not compatible/compliant with local /native/resident workers private smartphone card,and although the phone cards handled/managed/applied/bought by company in Vondphone service substation are different from individual inqurement,for example,boss and above boss/boss and superiors have opened/set several transactions depending on your management and busy affires.so it causes that/resulted in issues of comunications in working processes,some cards can only work among the limited feild network/local area network.but some cards can be avalible any way except regular/finite time.otherwise,it is good at many aspects.but i am in bad luck/unlucky,my cellphone card is imited in local area network,i can not connect/call /phone/contact/ have a talk/conversation/dialogue wtih my subordinates,because their phones belong to them,it is private.so i report/feedback/this issue to deputy general manager ,and then he communicates with HR manager,one weeek later,they discuss/confer it for several round,compang manage/handle/open/apply for auxiliary phone card ,and this card is only used for network of 25 G data,and at the same time ,my original smartphone card is just used for answering but the answering time is very finite in 100 minutes ,of course i can call any kinds of companys /wide area network/different phone cards.so it has been goingon untill 10 last month.when i take charge card ,they refused me /rejected me .and i say some polite words to them ,i turn away go to my room/chamber.and i do not say anything,i spend 25 on buying chargecard ,go on with using.


After one week,i report it to my manager again.explain it very genially/kindly,he call relervant men again,verify what i say.instuct me go him to take/fetch a charge card.i think it is solved/handled/treated well,when company issue /send my payslip to me ,i find my pay/wage/salary is deducted 60 yuan from mine.so after meeting i consult manager again,what is it goingon on earth.since October last year,company give me two smartphone cards basing on reality/actuality/truth.and company pay fees for two cards,why deduct my salary ?and explain that they do not know my two cards untill now.but i remmber it very well ,i take one cellphone charge card from his hand at least.do they realy not know?i truely ask them do you not communicate each other in management ? just for dong ownsby theselves ?i realy understand that,i am confused by that .so state my views/opinons/prospectives,if company feel/think/estimate/evalue it inproper/unreasonable/absurd/preposterous,they can take it back ,or notify/inform me before deducting my money at least. but they do not give me any message about that.so i go to my manager ,tell him that ,and i go to him when i have done with my working time .speak that to them.how to handle/treat/solve/tackle/resolve/settle it on earth?they applied to me they give the deducted moneyback to my wage or make up of 60 yuan /compensate my wage,and will confer phone card next time.and then i ask them send my payslip again,but now i do not get it.

通過這件事我想說,如果你扣的話,至少應該通知一聲嗎?為什麼不通知個人呢?有些不了 解,朋友們,你們遇到過這樣的情況嗎?希望大家留言,關注我,謝謝!

Though this event,i want to say that they should inform me at least before carrying out action/behavior.why do they not notify me ?i realy can not understand that.

My genial friends ,do you meet this affire like this ?waiting for your comments/remarks ,focus on my TOUTIAO account name,thanks a lot.