03.06 美国家庭万用亲子英文8000句——洗头

CHAPTER04-07 洗头

1.My head is itchy. 我头好痒。

2.Let's wash your hair. 来洗头吧。

3.My hairband won't come off. Help me. 我拿不下发带,请帮我。

4.I washed it yesterday, but I have to do it again?我昨天也有洗,为什么还要洗?

5.You need to wash your hair every day. 你必须每天洗头。

6.Your hair smells. Let's wash it. 你的头臭臭的。来洗头吧。

7.Let's make some foam with the shampoo. 把洗发精搓出泡泡来。

8.The shampoo got in my eye, and it stings. 冼发精跑进我的眼睛了啦,好痛喔。

9.Mommy will wash you. 妈妈帮你洗。

10.Close your eyes. 闭上眼睛。

11.Let's rinse your hair. 把头发冲干净吧。

12.The hair conditioner will make your hair softer.润发乳会让你的头发更柔顺喔。

13.It's hard to wash your hair because it's too long.你的头发太长,好难洗喔。

14.Let's dry your hair with a towel. 用毛巾把头发擦干吧。

15.I'll dry your hair with a blow dryer. 我用吹风机来吹干你的头发。

16.If you sleep with your hair wet, it will smell bad.如果你头发湿湿的就睡觉的话,会臭臭的。

17.Comb your hair.梳头发吧。

18.You look very clean now. 你现在看起来很干净。

19.Your hair smells so good.你的头发闻起来很香。