01.20 黄山雾凇:琼花怒放漫山野


Rime Scenery

in Mount Huang

朝霞里的始信峰雾凇 Rime scenery in Shixin Peak


雾凇映晚霞 A world of pure white

Mount Huang, located in the south of Anhui province, is China's most celebrated mountain for its grandeur and beauty. In 1990, it was listed as cultural and natural heritage by UNESCO.


巍巍风度 Towering peaks

冬季游黄山,人们最爱的是雪景、雾凇和云海日出。雾凇俗称树挂。每年11月下旬始,到次年2月,山顶气温在零摄氏度以下,湿度大的雾气在山风吹拂下,水汽附着树木,被冻结成乳白色冰晶,形成奇特的雾凇景观。远望苍茫,近看松针上平铺一层层银白粉晶,松团簇拥环抱,真是 “忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开”。这时,八百里黄山银装素裹、玉树琼枝,加上云海蒸腾涌动,是让人无比陶醉的人间仙境……

独立寒风中 Rimed trees standing in the cold wind

Mount Huang is beautiful all year round but with its winter scenery being the best. Rimed trees, together with snowscape and the sea of clouds at sunrise, is most favored by tourists coming in winter. The rime usually appears from late November to February of the following year. When the temperature is below 0°C atop the mountain, the water droplets in fog freeze to the windward side of tree branches. Thus the rime comes into being.


凇雪交辉 Rimed trees in the snow

The rimed pine trees beside the cliff are in different shapes — some look like flowers in full bloom, while others resemble white coral in the sea. If blown by wind, the rimed branches knocking against each other will make melodious sounds like a marimba piece. When the sunrise or sunset throws its soft glow on the rime, the mountain turns into a kaleidoscope of glittering colors. Anyone who sees such an enchanting view would linger on this dreamland.


琼花世界 A world of pure white


晚霞里双笋峰 Double lofty peaks against the sunset


雾凇仙境 A wonderland of rime

At this moment all is pure and quiet, and you will be captivated by the different kind of charm of this mountain.Mount Huang is a gift of nature to mankind.If talking about spectacles here, the rime must be counted in. When the sunrise or sunset throws its soft glow on the rime, the mountain turns into a kaleidoscope of glittering colors. Anyone who sees such an enchanting view would linger on this dreamland.


