09.18 外媒:为什么中国的海外留学生回国后总是发现事情没有变更好?

Why Chinas overseas students find things aren' always better back home.

More Chinese than ever before are studying overseas, but when they retum many struggle to fnd jobs that satisfy their high aspir ations


Having ob tained a dual bace r s degree fm a US univesity and imed o a senior software niner piton wthin two and a half ears of working for an American compan Owen Wang was forced to drama icall le ba his salary expectations when he decided to me home to China.

欧文.王( Owen Wang)在美国一所大学获得了双学士学位,在为一家美国公司工作的两年半时间里,他晋升为一名高级软件工程师。当欧文・王決定回到中国时,他被迫大幅降低了自己的工资预期。

Curenty wakin g in Kansas ty - where the average annual senior software engineer s salary is U$ 100,000, acc ding to glassdoor. m-the best offer fram a Chinese firm he has received so far is a package from a Shenzhen-based start-up warth around 240,000 yuan(US535, 250)

据 glassdoor.com网站统计,目前在堪萨斯城工作的高级软件工程师平均年薪是10万美元。他目前收到的最好的中国公司的报价是深圳一家创业公司提供的一份约24万元人民币(合3.525万美元)工作。

But while he had expected salaries in the suthem Chinese city to be lower than those on offer in the US -the per capita income in Kansas aty is over four times more than the average in Shenzhen -he had been hoping smeone would offer him a pay paet worth arund 500,000 yuan a year.

但是他在这个中国南方城市的薪水预期比美国能提供的低堪萨斯城的人均收入是深圳的四倍多 他一直希望有人能给他一份年薪50万元的工作。

We are still negotiating. I guess I will finally acep t a compromise if theres no better choice, but the quality of my life will drop significantly, "said the 27-year-old.


Wang s plan to return home is not motiated purely by financial considerations -he wries that ghter US immigra tion pices will make it harder for him to stay and his parents have been hoping that he will be able to come home and visit them me often - but his disappointment is mirrored by many of the hundreds of thousands of Chinese who return home from studying and war king overseas every year.


“The group of overseas returnees are seeing a wide ng gap beween hr nm and expectations,"said the report issued in mid August y the centre for China and Globalisation(CCG).


While rowing umr f dents a ein en a y er nasin aient families for what is deemed a better education in the West a large propar ton are being lured ba both by personal considerations like Wang s and the ppr unites presented by a quick growing econmy.


Last year China sent 608, 400 people to study abroad, up by 11 per cent from the previus year and over four times of the number 10 years ago, according to the Minis try of Education. In the same year, 480,000 retumed.


Over the past four decades,about 5.2 million Chinese have gone aboard to study,more than 80percent of whom eventually retumed,official data showed.


Zhu Zhao hui, a senior researer at the National Institute of Educatin,said that intemational academic experience used to be highly valued because only the best students were able to win places at foreign universities.


But now he growing numbers of these haigui or "sea turtles "as they are known colloquially (a word play on two similar sounding phrases)have diluted the value of this experience.


The growing supply of lent educated overseas is making a great cantr bution to Chinese sodety, said Wang Huiyao, director of the CCG.


They are playing a key role in China s innovation and en pre shp after jin n eme ing industies or choosing to start up their own businesses after coming back, he noted.


I would say that those peaple were a catalyst far innovation in China in recent years. For example, because of their contribution, new things havecame thick and fast in China's internet sector, he said.


With a great number of both people leaving for study overseas and people re ning, China is now witnessing a vir u us yde in talent supply

he added.


However, the CCG rep art warned that employers had to do more to address the wide read discontent among haigui the percentage withing bs becuse they were unsatisfied with ter salaries rose by around 9 points compared with the previous year if they hoped to retain talent.


Various local authority have a set up incentive to lure haigui to their areas, raning from easier acess to residency rights to discounted housing or cash bonuses.


But the survey found 60 per cent of those questioned were not full aware of these incentives and it recommended that more should be done to advertise these.
