02.29 雅思口语Part3:天气原因导致活动终止(1-4月新题)


Describe an occasion when weather prevented your activity.(8小题)

1.Does weather have any impact on people’s daily activities?

原创答案:This is a very interesting question. Weather has a tremendous affect on peoples daily lives. Many activities heavily rely on what kind of whether it is, especially for some outdoor activities . For instance, when it is raining, you see far fewer joggers and bikers out today than on typical sunny days in Xi’an. People who are outside are wearing more layers than they normally do, and are making no attempt to linger outside or sunbathe, but instead hurry around to try to rush back inside as fast as possible.(雅思口语P3情报站)

2.What kind of weather do Chinese people like?

原创答案:Well, I varies from person to person , someone like sunshine , it allows them to do exercise outdoors and get them exposed under the sun, which they believe is healthy lifestyle, more importantly people feel relaxed and in good and delight mood , some like rainy days , they feel the whole world become quiet ,coz it is rare occasions in city where people are always bombarded with noises all day long and for them it is cozy to lay on the sofa either reading or checking interesting videos on their phones.(雅思口语P3情报站)

3.What kind of activities do people do in the different seasons?

原创答案:During the summer, most people spend a lot more time outside. They might spend time in their gardens or walking, and in particular if they live near the coast they’ll typically spend a couple of days a week at the beach, especially at the weekends. You’ll see whole families camped out for the day or maybe even the whole weekend at the beach, enjoying the ocean and all the water sports and activities you can do. In the winter, it’s different. Almost Nobody goes to the beach because it’s too cold to swim, so people spend more time inside than outside and so parties and events in the winter are all organized indoors. I guess we do typical things inside like watching TV, movies, meeting friends for a drink or meal and other stuff – just inside more than outside.(雅思口语P3情报站)

4.Why do people do different kinds of sports in different weather?

5.What should we do to protect the environmental pollution?

6.What environmental changes have you noticed in your country?

7.What is the relationship between weather and culture?

8.Do people talk about the weather when they meet for the first time?
