
Preface 前言

This book has been a long time in the making. I first began work on it in 1983. Owing to other pressures, however, I have rarely been able to devote more than a few days at a time to this work and, on occasions, have been obliged to put it to one side— festering malignantly in my filing cabinet—for several months. These remarks have a bearing on the form of the book. When it became clear that I should have to accommodate the book’s conception to these circumstances of working or abandon the project entirely, I determined on an episodic principle of organisation. Thus, rather than offering a continuing argument which develops cumulatively from chapter to chapter, I have sought, in each chapter, to deal with a relatively discrete problem. While chapters 1 and 2 constitute necessary starting points in situating the concerns of the book as a whole, the reader will find that, thereafter, each chapter can be read relatively independently of those adjacent to it. On the whole, however, I think that the chapters are best read in the order in which I have placed them. For there is a consistency of purpose running through the book: to contribute to the development of a logic for literary analysis that will be adequately social and historical in its orientations. While I have assumed that the commitment to such a project is now sufficiently shared for this purpose to require no extensive elaboration or defence, my study is also premised on the conviction that this intention is not so easily realised as is commonly supposed. Even where a socialising and historicising logic is espoused, it is often incompletely sustained owing to the inherited weight of formalist and idealist categories and procedures which, when they are not carefully scrutinised, insinuate their way into the analysis, deflecting it from its objectives.


It is partly for this reason that the book takes the form of a critical dialogue with the concerns of Marxist literary theory. Whatever its shortcomings, this remains the most fully developed and sustained tradition of theorising concerned with literary practices in their social and historical connections. Indeed, I had originally envisaged my intention as that of offering a revised version of Marxist literary theory, one which would better equip it to realise its socialising and historicising aspirations. In the course of writing, however, it became increasingly clear that Marxism’s claim to provide a framework for the development of a comprehensive social and historical theory of literature can no longer be sustained. While, in thus rejecting Marxism’s totalising pretensions, my arguments are post-Marxist in conception, they are certainly not intended as anti-Marxist—although I have no doubt some die-hards will see them that way—but rather aim for a more selective and localised use of Marxist concepts and categories. However, little purpose is served by my seeking to anticipate the reader’s judgement on these matters. It will perhaps be more helpful if, instead, I outline the organising principles of the book. Part I offers a general review of a range of connected problems within Marxist literary theory viewed in the light of their relations to some of the more generally problematic aspects of Marxist thought as a whole. Each of the following sections then focuses on a particular region of Marxist literary-theoretical debate. The chapters comprising part II thus deal with difficulties associated with Marxist conceptions of the social determination of literary forms. Part III then addresses the problems associated with Marxist theories of the specificity of literature and of the aesthetic, while the chapters comprising part IV focus on Marxist conceptions of criticism, and the reasons for considering these incapable of supporting much beyond a politics of grand gestures. I do not, in developing these concerns, offer a comprehensive history of Marxist literary theory or attempt to differentiate its various sub-branches in any detail. While not denying the importance of either consideration, my purpose has rather been to identify those difficulties which subtend the main schools of Marxist literary theory in spite of their differences in other respects. Nor have I attempted an overall assessment of Marxist contributions to literary theory considered in their relations to contending bodies of literary theory. Rather, I have drawn on these where relevant to the point under discussion, and usually as a means of providing a critical perspective on, or alternative to, Marxist formulations. While the reader will find that my arguments are informed by perspectives culled (often opportunistically) from post-structuralism, deconstruction and Foucaultian theory, there is no attempt to buy in to these positions as totalities or to oppose, and prefer them, to Marxist thought in some holistic way. For reasons outlined as the study develops, there are good grounds for resisting this type of theorising.


The period of writing this book coincided with a major change in my working circumstances. The early stages of research and drafting were begun while I worked at the Open University in Britain. The bulk of the writing, however, was completed while working at Griffith University in Australia. My work, for better or worse, has undoubtedly been influenced by these changed circumstances, and particularly by the (in my experience) uniquely invigorating climate of literary—theoretical debate which prevails at Griffith. Although I have not explicitly discussed the contents of this book as a whole with any of my Griffith colleagues, it has, in part, been shaped as a result of conversations on the topics it addresses as well as by the practical experience of working together in planning and designing courses. I have learned much from David Saunders’s developing work on the relations between law and literature, as also from Colin Mercer’s work on the cultural technologies of popular entertainment. I am especially grateful to Dugald Williamson whose scrupulous criticisms of Lacan helped convince me that, at least for my purposes, I could leave this body of theory by the wayside. I am also indebted to Jeffrey Minson and Ian Hunter whose work has obliged me to approach Foucault’s work and its implications for literary scholarship more seriously and open-mindedly than I was previously wont to. Working in Australia has also allowed me to come to know and share ideas with John Frow, a rewarding experience on both counts. Special mention should also be made of Anne Freadman, whose work on genre I draw on substantially in chapter 4, and of Noel King, whose critical comments and encouraging support I have greatly valued. I am especially grateful to both Frow and King for obliging me to be more circumspect in interpreting my title.


Many of the chapters which follow were first presented in draft form at more places than I can remember. As is always the case, I have learned much from these occasions. Particular thanks, however, are due to Stephen Knight and Ken Ruthven, both for their comments on two such occasions as well as for their help and support in other matters. Special thanks, also, to those who commented on an early version of chapter 4 as a result of its presentation at the 1988 conference of the Australian and South Pacific Association of Comparative Literary Studies. There are some longer-term debts which should be acknowledged, too. To Graham Martin, a special thanks for his interest, help, encouragement and friendship over the years. And, to Terry Eagleton, a tribute to his unending ability to keep the doors of debate and communication open in spite of disagreements. I should also like to thank James Donald for his editorial input to chapter 9 which—although I resisted his suggestions at the time—is considerably improved as a consequence. I should like, finally, to express my deep appreciation of Raymond Williams’s work. His death, in early 1988, was an incalculable loss. Although, now, their limitations are apparent, his early studies still rank as pioneering in the work they have subsequently made possible. Just as important, he was always prepared to respond positively to new intellectual and political challenges, and, in doing so, played a crucial role in helping prevent debate polarise around entrenched positions. Along with many of my generation, my debt to Williams is inestimable—all the more so for the fact that, at times, his help took a personal rather than just theoretical form. His ability to dismantle himself of the robes of his prestige and to show, to all who came into contact with him, an unfailing democratic consideration and kindness is as worthy of commemoration as his writings. Some of the chapters published here have appeared elsewhere. Chapter 6 was first published in Thesis Eleven, no. 12, 1985. Chapter 8 first appeared in a special issue of Poetics on Literary Theory in Australia, published in 1988, while chapter 9 was first published in New Formations, no. 2, summer, 1987. I am grateful to the editors and publishers of these journals for their permission to reprint these materials here. While I have avoided the temptation to modify these articles for the occasion of their publication in this volume I should perhaps indicate that the opening tone of chapter 6 now strikes me as regrettably iconoclastic. The process of writing, of course, accounts for only a part of the work involved in making a book. My special thanks, therefore, to Judith Davies, Robyn Skaar and Karen Yarrow in the Division of Humanities at Griffith University for translating my initial scribblings and subsequent revisions into a presentable form. Thanks, also, to the administrative staff of the Division for making this kind of support possible. And books need publishers. Thanks, therefore, to Janice Price for her work in creating a publishing context which has promoted the concerns of literary theory so well, and for her patience in waiting for this book to be produced. There are, finally, some debts which can never be properly acknowledged. I owe Sue far more than a note of thanks for supporting and encouraging me in completing this book. But she knows that. So it will be enough, here, to record that without her help and understanding, there would have been nothing to write a preface for. And, to Tanya, Oliver and James: thanks for not staying out of the study and for making life infinitely richer and more rewarding than it would otherwise be.
