


中科院动物研究所去年1月在science advances发了一篇论文,主要是讲蝗虫的一种防御天敌的机制:


Our results indicate that PAN does not play a role in the aggregation of the migratory locust in the nymphal stage. In gregarious locusts, the PAN and HCN biosynthetic pathways participate in an antipredator defense mechanism that involves the coordination of olfactory aposematism and chemical defense (Fig. 5). The activation of a crucial CYP gene in the phenylalanine metabolic pathway during locust aggregation is an important mechanism in the adaptation of gregarious locusts to the group-living environment. There are many insectivorous bird species including seasonal migratory and nonmigratory birds in the field, so the aggregation exposures of the locusts obviously have the higher risks of predations. Because the activation of the PAN biosynthesis relies on the high population density of the locusts, the chemical defense of the locusts aims at the general predators in spite of the great tit being used in the behavioral tests. Thus, the plasticity of PAN biosynthesis in response to population density is crucial for the optimization of the antipredator defense strategies of locusts under diverse environmental conditions.
