
Recently, a gunman shot a lobby valet at the Boston hospital where I work.


I was treating patients in the emergency room when my computer screen flashed, “Active Shooter Alert.” I’ll never forget the feeling of my heart sinking as we closed the curtains and doors to our patients’ rooms and waited, unsure of what would happen next.

當我在急診室治療病人的時候,我的電腦屏幕閃了一下,“主動射擊警報”(Active Shooter Alert)。我永遠不會忘記當我們關上病人房間的窗簾和門,等待著,不確定接下來會發生什麼時,我的心在下沉的感覺。

I remember feeling a similar sense of anxiety a few months ago in a movie theater when I was watching Joker, a psychologically complex retelling of the story of how Batman’s arch nemesis was birthed, I kept thinking of the shooting in an Aurora, Colo., theater in 2012 as I nervously eyed the theater exit.


And then Joaquin Phoenix won the Best Actor Oscar for playing the title in that same film.


The honor wasrichly deserved—but it was also a window into how far Hollywood still has to go in portraying mental illness more accurately and compassionately.


Phoenix’s character, Arthur Fleck, lives a life of debilitating depression, mania and psychosis.


He has no social support system, is abandoned by his mental health counselor, has an abusive family history, and is given a gun by a colleague—which he later uses to commit his first murders.


Joker engages more deeply than other violent movies with the narrative of how a person with mental health issues could become a killer.


As a doctor, I find the story of his social difficulties to be familiar.


Many of my patients share the same sort of hardships.


I have also treated victims who have died of gunshot wounds, and other patients who have felt their only options were to kill themselves or others.
