
Tim Ferriss, author of The Four-Hour Work Week and one of the most productive people on the planet, does not like to waste time.

蒂姆·费里斯(Tim Ferriss)是“每周四小时工作”的作者,也是这个星球上生产力最高的人之一,他不喜欢浪费时间。

Ferriss has built an empire out of productivity and efficiency tips, decision-making advice, and just general guidance on how to hack your life.


So, when you hear his morning routine, as an aspiring titan of industry, you should listen.


No, we’re not talking about brushing your teeth in the shower.


Every morning, Ferriss writes in a journal.


As he says, the pages aren’t necessarily intended to be productive or to uncover some great breakthrough.


Instead, he quotes Julia Cameron, author of The Artist’s Way: “Once we get those muddy, maddening, confusing thoughts on the page, we face our day with clearer eyes.”

相反,他引用了“艺术家之路”(The Artist‘s Way)一书的作者朱莉娅·卡梅伦(Julia Cameron)的话:“一旦我们在页面上获得了那些泥泞、令人发狂、令人困惑的想法,我们就会用更清晰的眼睛来面对今天。”

Quite simply, journaling helps you move forward with clarity.


Give it a try in your own life.


There are many resources to help you start a morning journaling practice, none of which are quite as foundational as The Artist’s Way Morning Pages Journal.


The same book used by Ferriss, this spinoff from Julia Cameron’s seminal The Artist’s Way will help you establish a journaling practice and give you the spiritual and creative guidance to unblock your creative self.

Ferriss使用的同一本书,这本从Julia Cameron的开创性的“艺术家的方式”中衍生出来的书,将帮助你建立一种日志记录的做法,并给你精神和创造性的指导,以疏通你的创造性自我。

Ferriss also uses The Five Minute Journal: A Happier You in 5 Minutes a Day.


This powerful book is backed by psychological research, proven to help you reach higher levels of positive emotion, joy, and optimism.


The structured format will help you reflect on your life through a variety of lenses in just five minutes a day, boosting your gratitude, organizing your priorities, and much more.


Alternatively, The Morning Sidekick Journal helps you zero-in on your purpose, both on the day-to-day and long-term.


With daily, bite-sized, actionable pieces of content, you can immediately start to improve your mornings and establish a mindset to get through the day.


Plus, with an entire section to “Understanding Your Why,” the journal helps you discover a crystal clear purpose to drive your life.


Tim Ferriss uses morning journaling to set each day up for success.

Tim Ferriss利用早上的日志为每一天的成功做好准备。

These resources can help you do the same.


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